Saturday, January 25, 2020

Practice:Degree of comparion


DEGREE A_© Zzjbv| Bs‡iRx Grammar G mvaviYZ adjective Ges adverb Gi Zzjb nq| Degree wZb cÖKvit-
1.Positive Degree
2.Comparative Degree
3.Superlative Degree
1.Positive Degree t hLb †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘icÖviw¤¢K Ae¯’v eY©bv Kiv nq, †mwU n‡”Q Positive Degree.
†hgbt-He is good.
They are intelligent.
2.Comparative Degree t-hLb `yB e¨w³, e¯‘ ev `yB c‡¶i wfZi Zzjbv eySvq ZLb Comparative Degree nq|
†hgbt-Shamim is better than Rahim.
They are wiser than us.
3.Superlative Degree t- A‡b‡Ki wfZi †Kvb we‡kl e¨w³, e¯‘ ev e¨w³eM© ev e¯‘ mgyn‡K me‡P‡q †QvU, me‡P‡q eo, me‡P‡q DrK…ó ev me‡P‡q wbK…ó, me‡P‡q `vgx, me‡P‡q সস্তা Giƒc eySv‡Z Superlative Degree nq|
Positive ‡_‡K comparative
Rule-1: ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g No other\any other+noun _vK‡j Positive ‡K comparative wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g g~j Sentence Gi †k‡li AsGi c‡ii noun\pronoun +verb +g~j ev‡K¨i adjective Gi comparative form +than+ any other +g~j sentence Gi subject
Positive        :No other boy is as clever as he/Any other boy is as clever as he.
Comparative:He is cleverer than any other boy.
Positive        :No boy is as tall as Ripon.
Comparative:Ripon is taller than any other boy.
Rule-2: Affirmative ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡gB hw`very few,any other/no other  bv †_‡K mivmwi †Kvb noun ev pronoun _v‡K, Z‡e wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx comperative n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun  +verb+ not+ adjective Gi comparative form+than+g~j sentence Gi subject.
g‡b evL‡Z n‡e, g~j ev‡K¨ not/no  bv _vK‡j cwieZ©‡bi mgq not/no emv‡Z n‡e| †hgbt-
Positive        :They are as brave as a lion.
Comparative:A lion is not braver than they.
Positive        :He can run as quickly as I.
Comparative:I can not run more quickly than he.

Rule-3: Positive   degree   hy³ Affirmative sentence G auxiliary verb  Qvov hw` g~j verb  _v‡K Z‡e comparative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li as  Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun+ tense  Abymv‡i  do not/ does not/ did not+g~j verb  Gi base form + adjective Gi comparative form +than +g~j sentence  Gi.Subject. †hgbt-
Positive        :A plane flies as fast as a rocket.
Comparative:A rocket does not fly faster than a plane.
Positive        :The forbidden book lasted as long as the other books.
Comparative:The other books did not last longer than this forbidden book. 
Positive ‡_‡K comparative 

Rule-4:Very few /A small number of  hy³Positive degree  †_‡Kcomparative  Kivi mgq than Gi civery few  Gi cwie‡Zthan the majority of /than most other©  ewm‡q wb‡æi MVb Abyhvqx Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- g~jsentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡ii noun /pronoun +verb+adjective  Gi comparative form +than the majority of /than most other +very few ev‡` Gi c‡ii Ask|
Positive        :Very few women are as beautiful as she.
Comparative:She is more beautiful than most other women.
Positive        :I think very few people are as wise as our principal.
Comparative:I think our principal is wiser than most other people.

Rule-5: †k‡li as Gi c‡iclause  hy³ A_v©„r as Gi ci subject +verb hy³negative  wewkó positive  †_‡Kcomparative  Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g g~jsentence  Gisubject +verb +negative kã ev` hv‡e Gesless n‡e+adjective AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡ethan+†k‡lias ev‡` Gi c‡ii clause ev †k‡li asGi c‡ii.subject+verb.
Positive        :She is not so young as I expected.
Comparative:She was less young than I expected.
Positive        :Shima does not work as much as she said.
Comparative:Shima works less than she said.

Rule-6:As +clause  A_vras  †icisubject +verb hy³affirmative sentence  Gi positive †_‡Kcomparative  Kivi mgq wbæi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Comparative Gi MVbt- g~jsentence  Gisubject +verb +not +adjective Gi comparative +than +†klias  ev‡` Gi c‡iiclause.
Positive        :Birds do not fly as/so fast as a plane.
Comparative:A plane flies faster than birds.
Positive        :She was not talkative as people said.
Comparative:She was not more talkative than people said.
Rule-6: As soon as  hy³positive  †Kno sooner  †hvM K‡icomparative  Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt No sooner +had +subject g~j+verb  Gipast participle  +than evKx Ask|
Positive        :As soon as he came,we stood up.
Comparative:No sooner had he come than we stood up.
Positive        :As soon as we reached the station, the train left.
Comparative:No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
Rule-1:No noun/no other hy³positive  †_‡K Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Superlative Gi MVbt g~jsentence  Gi †k‡li as Gi c‡iiNoun/Pronoun+verb+the superlative  +no other ev‡` g~jsubject   mn evKx Ask| †hgbt-
Positive       :No other boy is as studious as Rafsan.
Superlative  :Rafsan is the most studious boy.
Positive       :No other boy is as notorious as he.
Superlative  :He is the most notorious boy.

Rule-2: Very few  hy³ Positive  †_‡KSuperlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi  MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Superlative Gi MVbt g~jsentence  Gi †k‡lias  Gi c‡iiNoun/Pronoun +one of the +g~jadjective  GiSuperlative +very few ev‡` subject.
Positive       :Very few people are so cautious as Mamun.
Superlative  :Mamun is one of the most cautious people.
Positive       :Very few countries are as beautiful as Bangladesh.
Superlative  :Bangladesh is one of the most beautiful countries.
Rule-3:Few other hy³positive  †_‡Ksuperlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e&

Superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi †k‡lias  Gi c‡iiNoun/pronoun +verb+not only +the +adjective Gi superlative +few other ev‡`subject.
Positive       :Few other dramatists are as great as Shakespear.
Superlative  :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Positive       :Few other metals are as precious as Gold.
Superlative  :Gold is not only the most precious metal. 
Rule-1:Than  Gi ciany other/all other +noun hy³comparative †_‡Kpositive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MV AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive  Gi MVbt No other  +g~j sentence Gi than Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun I cieZx© Ask hw` _v‡K +verb +as +adjective Gi positive +as+ g~j Sentence  subject.

Comparative :He is better than any other boy.
Positive        :No other boy is as good as he.
Comparative :She is more intelligent than any other girl in the class.
Positive        No other girl in the class is as intelligent as she.

Rule-2:Than  Gici any other/most other bv †_‡K ïaygvÎ hy³ Gi †_‡K  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MvbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

PositiveGiMVbtg~jSentenceGithanev‡`thanGic‡iinoun/pronoun+verb+not+so/as+comparativeGipositive form +as +g~j sentence  Gi Subject .
Comparative :Babar was braver than a lion.
Positive        A lion was not so brave as Babor.
Comparative :He can run faster than Shemul.
Positive        Shemul can not run as fast as he.
g~j ev‡K¨ not _vK‡j cwiewZ©Z ev‡K¨ not n‡e bv Avi g~j ev‡K¨ not bv _vK‡j cwiewZ©Z ev‡K¨ verb Gi ci not n‡e| wKš‘ than Gi ci ïaygvÎ noun/pronounhy³ negative sentence  Gi comparative  †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z Zn‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi than ev‡` Gi c‡ii Noun/pronoun +verb+ Kgv(,)+at least + Kgv(,) +not/negative Ask ev` +as +comparative adjective Gi positive form +as+  sentence Gi subject .
Comparative :A bird does not fly faster than a plane.
Positive        A plane flies,at least, at fast as a bird.
Comparative :He did not speak English more fluently than I.
Positive        I spoke English, at least, as fluently as he.

Comparative ‡_‡K Positive
Rule-3: Than  Gicimost other /few other/the majority of +nounhy³comparative  Gi positive  Kivi mgh wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbtVery few +than the majority of /than most other ev‡` Gi wVK c‡ii noun+ verb+as +comparative Gi Positive +as  +g~j adjective +as+ sentence Gi subject.
Comparative :She is more beautiful than the majority of women.
Positive        Very few women are as beautiful as she.
Comparative :Jerry is more courageous than most other boys.
Positive        Very few boys are as courageous as Jerry.

Rule-4: Not less than hy³comparative  †_‡KPositive  Kivi mgX wb‡æi MVbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive Gi MVbt g~j Sentence Gi Than Gi c‡ii noun/pronoun +verb +Kgv (,)+at least Kgv(,) +as+ g~jsentence  Gi.subject.
Comparative :He is not less cautious than Karim.
Positive         :Karim is, at least, as cautious as he.

wKš‘  No less than hy³ comparative †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject+verb +Kgv (,)+at least+ Kgv (,)+no less than   ev` wM‡q †mB¯’‡j as much n‡e+ adjective +than ev‡` g~j sentence  Gi cieZx© Ask|
Comparative :I have got no less than five hundred taka.
Positive        I have got,at least, as much as five hundred taka.

ZvQvov ïaygvÎ no fewer than/not fewer than hy³ comparative †_‡K positive Kivi mgq Dc‡ii wbqgB cÖ‡hvR¨ Z‡e as much as Gi cwie‡Z as  many as©  n‡e| †m‡¶‡Î wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt cÖ_‡g subject +verb +no fewer than ev` wM‡q as many as +msL¨v evPK kãmn noun/pronoun |
Comparative :There are no fewer than fifty boys.
Positive        There are as many as fifty boys. Or As many as fifty boys are there.

Rule-5: not, no e¨ZxZ less  hy³ comparative †_‡K positive Kivi mgq Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive Gi MVb t g~j sentenceGi subject +verb +not as +less ev‡` adjective +as +g~j ev‡K¨i †k‡li Noun/pronoun  |
Comparative :This land is less fertile than that.
Positive        This land is not as fertile as that.
Comparative ‡_‡K Positive

Rule-6:Than +clasue  hy³ sentence  Gi subject +verb+as +Comparative  †_‡K positive  Kivi  mg‡q Not  n‡e bv Ges wb‡æi MVbwU AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb+ as+ comparative adjective Gi Positive form +as +than ev‡` than Gi c‡ii clause ev than Gi c‡ii subject Ges verb. †hgbt
Comparative :The prices were not higher than she had calculated.
Positive        The prices were as high as she had calculated.
Comparative :The work was not more difficult than you said.
Positive        The work was as difficult as you said.

wKš‘ Than +clause hy³ affirmative †K comparative  †_‡K positive Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive Gi MVbt- cÖ_‡g than Gi c‡ii subject +than Gi c‡ii verb Gi negative form +g~j subject Gi object  n‡e +to be +as +comparative adjective Gi positive +as +pronoun +they/it +be verb.|
Comparative: The prices were higher than she had calculated.
Positive        She had not anticipated the prices to be as high as they were.
Comparative: They were hungrier than I thought.
Positive        I did not think them to be as hungry as they were.
Comparative ‡_‡K superlative
mvaviYZt than any other /than most other/than majority of  hy³comparative sentence Gi superlative  nq|
Rule-1: # Than any other hy³ comparative †_‡K superlativeKivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb +the +adjective Gi superlative form+ than any other ev‡` Gi c‡ii noun  .†hgbt-
   Comparative  :She is more intelligent than any other girl.
   Superlative    :She is the most intelligent girl.
   Comparative  :Nipu is fairer than any other girl.
   Superlative    :Nipu is the fairest girl.

Rule-2: # Than most other/Than the majority of hy³ comparative  evK¨ †_‡K superlative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

superlative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi subject  +verb+ one of the+ adjective Gi superlative form +than most other +ev‡` G‡I c‡ii noun  I c‡ii Ask|‡hgbt-
Comparative  :Tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Superlative    :Tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
Comparative  :Sher-E-Bangla was better than most other politicians in Bangladesh.
Superlative    :Sher-E-Bangla was one of the best politicians in Bangladesh.
Superlative ‡_‡K comparative

Rule-1: # ïaygvÎ The  + superlative hy³ sentence †K comparative Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymY Ki‡Z n‡e|

comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence  Gi subject  +(the ev‡` ) adjective Gi comparative degree +than any other +g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li noun/pronoun  evKx Ask| ‡hgbt
Superlative    :Jerry is the best boy.
Comparative  :Jerry is better than any other boy.
Superlative    :This is the most difficult work.
Comparative  :This is more difficult than any other work.

Rule-2: #One of the + superlative  hy³ sentence  Gi comparative  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject  +verb+ superlative adjective Gi Comparative +than +most other /than the majority of +g~j adjective Gi c‡ii noun.
Superlative    :He is one of the most intelligent boys.
Comparative  :He is more intelligent than most other boys.
Superlative    :Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh.
Comparative  :Dhaka is bigger than most other cities in Bangladesh.

Rule-3: #Not only  hy³ superlative degree  †K comparative Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt g~j sentence Gi subject +verb +not +comparative +than +few other +g~j sentence Gi last noun.
Superlative    :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Comparative  :Shakespear is not greater than few other dramatists.
Superlative    :Nasim is not only the most brilliant boy.
Comparative  :Nasim is not more brilliant than few other boys.

Rule-4: #Not one of the +superlative  hy³sentence  Gi comparative  Ki‡Z wb‡æi MVb Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e|

Comparative Gi MVbt Few +g~j sentence Gi †k‡li noun ev pronoun+ verb +adjective Gi comparative +than + g~j sentence Gi subject . †hgbt-
Superlative    :He is not one of the best boys.
Comparative  :Few boys are better than he.
Superlative ‡_‡K positive

Rule-1: #The +superlative  hy³ sentence  †K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive  MVbt No other +superlative adjective Gi c‡ii noun +verb + as+ the ev‡` Superlative  adjective Gi positive form +as  +g~j Sentence  Gi subject  I cieZx© Ask|

Superlative    :He is the wisest man in the village.
Positive          :No other man is as wise as he in the village.
Superlative    :We are the most fortunate persons.
Positive          :No other person is as fortunate as we.
Rule-2: #One of the +superlative adjective  hy³ evK¨‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Positive   Gi MVbt  cÖ_‡g very few / a small number of /a few/+ g~j  sentence Gi †kl noun +verb+ as +adjective Gi positive form + as + sentence Gi  subject
Superlative    :Rani is one of the fairest girls.
Positive          :A small number of girls are as fair as Rani.
Superlative    :He is one of the cleverest boys.
Positive          :Very few boys are as clever as he.

Rule-3: #Not only hy³ superlative sentence †K positive Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive  Gi MVbt Few other +†kl noun (plural) +verb+ as +adjective Gi positive +as +  g~j sentence  Gi subject .
Superlative    :Shakespear is not only the greatest dramatist.
Positive          :Few other dramatists are as great as Shakespear.
Rule-4: # Not one of the +superlative †_‡K positive  Kivi mgq wb‡æi MVb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Positive  Gi MVbt  g~jsentence  Gi subject  +verb +not as + superlative adjective Gi positive form +as+few  +g~j sentence  Gi †k‡li noun  |
Superlative    :He is not one of the best boys.
Positive          :He is not as good as few boys.

Practice:Degree of comparion for JSC /SSC/HSC Exam

               Positive Degree
                  Comparative degree
He always eats only one thing.
He never eats more than one thing.
He loves all the people equally.
He loves more than the other people.
He does not know Bangla as good as English.
He knows English better than Bangla.
I love him very much.
I love him more than any other.
Meena needed as much food as Raju.
Raju did not need more food than Meena.
Positive Degree
                  Comparative degree
A lion was not as furious as they.
They were more furious than a lion.
A good looking superstitious man is not so smart as a shabby advanced minded man.
A good looking superstitious man is not as smart as a shabby advanced minded man.
Arsenic is not as destructive as it.
It is more destructive than arsenic.
A tiger cannot run as fast as it.
It can run faster than a tiger.
A prodigal man is not as happy as a frugal man.
A frugal man is happier than a prodigal.
A sick money man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.
A healthy man is happier than a sick moneyed man.
An animal is not as bad as an angry.
An angry man is worse than an animal.
Azam Khan is mot as popular as he.
He is more popular than Azam Khan.
A dishonest man is not as happy as an honest man.
An honest man is happier than a dishonest man.
England is not as corrupted as Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is more corrupted than England.
Flood has positive sides than negative sides.
Flood has more positive sides than negative sides.
He did not deserve as much money as he wanted.
He wanted more money than he deserved.
He is not as rich as his uncle.
His uncle is richer than he.
His bed was as soft as feathers.
Features were not softer than his bed.
His education to him was not as important as to support his family.
To support his family was more important than his education to him.
It is the most powerful of all things.
It is more powerful than anything else.
I wondered lonely as a cloud” is the best poet of Wordsworth.
I wondered lonely as a cloud is better than any other poem of Wordsworth.
Jogging is not as easy as it.
It is easier than jogging.
In one sense. They are not so responsible as the poor.
In one sense, they are not less responsible than the poor.
In the society, women should work as much as man.
In the society women should work not less than men.
Lions are not so stronger than lions.
Lions are stronger than lions.
My father is not as old as him.
He is older than my father.
Many other countries in the world are as poor as she.
She is not the poorest country in the world.
                     Positive Degree
                  Comparative degree
Nothing is as ferocious as anger.
Nothing is more ferocious than anger.
Other students do not like him as much as I.
I like him more than other students.
Other types of family are not as much as nuclear.
Nuclear family is more than other types of family.
Raju thought that Meena did not work as had as he.
Raju thought that he worked harder than Meena.
Riches are not so important as honesty.
Honesty is more important than riches.
Sorrow is not as strong as hunger.
Huger is stronger than sorrow.
Telephone calls are not as cheap as it.
It is cheaper than telephone calls.
Telex is not as cheap as E-mail
E-mail is cheaper than telex.
The  life is a beast is as good as their life
Their life is not better than that of a beast.
The Buriganga is not as big as it.
It is bigger than the Buriganga.
The cuckoo is less clever than crow.
The cuckoo is less clever than crow.
The dove does not run so fast as the migratory birds.
Migratory birds run faster than the dove.
The Eids are the greatest festivals for the Muslims
The Eids are greater than all other festivals for the Muslim
The illiterate are not aware of their duties as the educated.
The educated are more aware of their duties than the illiterate.
The life of people is as good as that of a beast.
The life of the people is not better than that of a beast.
The mansion is as high as a mango tree.
The mansion is not higher than a mango tree.
Tipu is not as tall as he.
He is taller than Tipu.
Today nothing is as serious as pollution.
Today nothing is less serious than pollution.
Today very few problems are as serious as dowry.
Today Dowry is more serious than most other problem.
                   Positive Degree
                  Comparative degree
Very few boys in the class is as clever as Rahim.
Rahim is clever than most other boys in the class.
Very few cities in Bangladesh are as densely populated as Dhaka.
Dhaka is more densely populated than most other cities in Bangladesh.
Very few cities in the world are as busy as Singapore.
Singapore is busier than most other cities in the world.
Very few girls are as tolerable as She.
She is more tolerable than many other girls.
Very few insects are as busy as a bee.
A bee is busier than most other insects.
Very few other bird’s voices are so harsh as its in our country.
It’s voice is harsher than most other birds in our country.
Very few people were as noble as he.
He was nobler than most other people of Venice.
Very few places in our country are as charming as it.
It is more charming than most other places in our country.
Very few poets are as famous as Nazrul Islam in Bangla literature.
Nazrul Islam is more famous than most other poets in Bangla literature.
Very few schools in the country are as famous as our school.
Our school is more famous than most other schools in the country.
                   Positive Degree
                  Comparative degree
No other beach in the world is as long as it.
It is longer than any other beach in the world.
No other boy is as reliable as Sumon.
Sumon is more reliable than any other boy.
No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.
Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh.
No other country in the world is as populous as Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is more populous than any other country in the world.
No other day is as important as our victory day.
Our victory day is more important than any other Day.
No other element in our environment is as important as Air.
Air is more important element in our environment
No other exercise is as good as walking in the morning.
Walking in the morning is better than all other exercise.
No other festival is as important as Eidul Azha.
Edul Azha is more important than any other festival.
No other girls are as tolerable as she.
She is more tolerable than many other girls.
No other language is as used as English.
English is more used than any other language.
No other man in the society works as hard as the farmers.
The farmers work harder than any other man in the society.
No other men are as happy as a self-reliant man.
A self reliant man is happier than other men.
No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy.
Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh.
No other problem is as dreadful as corruption.
Corruption is more dreadful than any other problem.
No other sight was as bad as I met on the way in my life.
On the way I met the worst sight in my life.
No other source of entertainment is as cheap as it.
It is cheaper than any other source of entertainment.
No other student works hard as he.
He works harder than any other student.
No other thing affects a person as much as smoking.
Smoking affects a person more than any other thing.
No other thing affects a person as much as smoking.
Smoking affects a person more than any other thing.
No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.
Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.
                   Positive Degree
                  Superlative Degree
It is the most famous school in the town.
No other school in the town is as famous as it.
It seemed to the fox that it was one of the happiest animas in the world.
It seemed to the fox that very few animals in the world were as happy as it.
Poverty is the greatest problem in our country.
No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.
The rose is the best of all flowers.
No other flower is as good as the rose.
Torento is one of the most expensive cities of the world.
Very few cities of the world are as expensive as Torento.
Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.
No other virtue is as great as truthfulness.
                       Superlative Degree
                Comparative Degree
At present price hike is the greatest problem in Bangladesh.
At present no other problem is as great as price hike.
Bangladesh is not the poorest countries in the world.
Many other countries in the world are as poor as Bangladesh.
Corruption is the most dangerous of all weapons to destroy a society.
Corruption is more dangerous than all other weapons to destroy a society.
Cox’s Bazer is the largest sea-beach in the world.
Cox’s Bazer is larger than any other sea-beach in the world.
He is the greatest philosopher.
He is greater than any other philosopher.
It is the largest democratic country in the world.
It is larger than any other democratic country in the world.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Mount Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world.
Mr Ahmed is the wisest man in the village.
Mr Ahmed is wiser than any other man in the
Mr Rahman is the senior teacher in our school.
Mr Rahman is senior to any other teacher in our school.
Nawab Sherajuddulah was the most courageous Nawab India has ever seen.
Nawab Sherajuddaula was more courageous than any other Nawab India has ever seen.
She is the prettiest of all villagers.
She is prettier than all other villagers.
Strategy is the most important thing in the examination.
Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.
Traffic Jam is the most serious problem in Dhaka city now.
Traffic Jam is more serious than any other problem in Dhaka city now.
Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man.
Truthfulness is greater than all other virtues in a man.
Walking is the best of all other exercises.
Walking is better than all other exercises.
Superlative Degree
           Comparative Degree
English is one of the most used languages in the world.
English is more used than most other language in the world.
It is one of the oldest schools.
It is older than most other schools.
It is one of the rarest beaches of the world.
It is rarer than most other beaches of the world.
Karim is one of the oldest men in the village.
Karim is older than most men in the village.
Khan Jahan Ali was one of the greatest saints of our country.
Khan Jahan Ali was greater than most other saints of our country.
Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in world.
Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world.
Sheikh Sadi was one of the greatest poets of Iran.
Sheikh Sadi was greater than most other poets of Iran.
The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.
The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.
The TajMahal is one of the wonders of the world.
The Tajmahal is greater than most other wonders of the world.
The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
The tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Yet it is considered that Mintu is one of the best boys in the country.
Yet it is considered that Mintu is better than most other boys in our country.
Superlative Degree
Positive Degree
Ali is Sagor’s best friend.
No other friend of Sagor is as good as Ali.
Books are men’s best companions of life.
No other companion in life is as good as books to man.
English is the most fearful subject for them.
No other subject is so fearful as English.
He is my best friend.
No other friend is as good as he.
He is the best player.
No other player is as good as he.
Man is the best of all creatures.
No other creature is as good as man.
My first day at school is the most memorable day in my life.
No other day in my life is as memorable as my first day at school.
Protein is the most important for building our body.
No other food is so important as protein for building our bodies.
The lion is the most ferocious animal.
No other animal is so ferocious as the lion.
The rose is the best flower.
No other flower is as good as the rose.
The Shat Gambuj Mosque was the most exquisite of all Khan Jahan Ali’s activities.
No other activity of Khan Jahan Ali is so exquisite as the Shat Gambuj Mosque.
Superlative Degree
Comparative Degree
Bangladesh is not the poorest country in the world.
Many other counties in the world are as poor as Bangladesh.
Books are the greatest friends.
Books are greater than any other friend.
Industry is the most important thing in one’s life.
Industry is more important than any other thing in one’s life.
It seemed to the fix that it was one of the happiest animans in the world.
It seemed to the fox that very few animals were as happy as it was in the world.
Our independence day occupies the important day in our life.
Our independence day occupies more important than any other day in our life.
Price hike is one of the biggest problems for the people.
Price hike is bigger than most other problems for the people.
She was the best guide of mine.
She was better than any other guide of mine.
Social awareness is the essential thing to resist corruption.
Social awareness is more essential than any other thing to resist corruption.
Superlative  Degree
                 Positive  degree
A poor woman is the worst sufferer in our country.
No other woman in our country suffers as badly as a poor woman.
Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society.
No other weapon is as dangerous as corruption to destroy a society.
Cox’s Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.
No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer.
Cricket is the most popular of all grames in the world.
No other game in the world is as popular as cricket.
Education having religious values is the best process of establishing a peaceful society.
No other process of establishing a peaceful society is so good as education having religious values.
Hazrat Musa was one of the greatest Prophets in the world.
Very few prophets in the world were as great as Hazrat Musa (A)
Superlative  Degree
                           Positive  degree
A poor woman is the worst sufferer in our country.
No other woman in our country suffers as badly as a poor woman.
Books are men’s best companions in life.
No other companions in life is as men’s good as books.
Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society.
No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous as corruption.
Cox’s Bazer is the longest sea-beach in the world.
No other sea beach in the world is so long as Cox’s Bazer.
Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh.
No other city in Bangladesh is so larger as Dhaka.
Good books are the greatest creation of the wise mind.
No other creation of the wise mind is as great as good book.
He draws the lowest salary in this office.
No other person in this office draws as low salary as he.
He is the best creation of Allah.
No other creation of Allah is as good as he.
He is the most brilliant student in our class.
No other student in our class is as brilliant as he.
He is the smartest boy in the class.
No other boy in the class is smart as he.
Health is the greatest wealth of a man.
No other wealth of a man is so great as health.
It is the best kind of exercise for all classes of people.
No other kind of exercise is as good as it for all classes of people.
It is the most famous school in the town.
No other school in the town is as famous as it.
It is the most visible memorial.
No other memorial is as visible as it.
It will be the best reward for them.
No other reward will be as good as it for them.
Man is the best of all creatures.
No other all creatures is as good as man.
One the way I met the worst sight in my life.
No other sight was as bad as I met on the way in my life.
Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival for the people of Bangladesh.
No other festival for the people of Bangladesh is so big as Pahela Baishakh.
Plato is the most celebrated honoured and revered of all philosophers of the western world.
No other philosophers of the western world is as celebrated,honoured and revered as plato.
Protein is the most important food for building our bodies.
No other food for building our bodies are as important as protein.
She is the prettiest of all villages, I have ever found.
No other village is so pretty as she I have ever found.
Snow white was the fairest of all women.
No other woman was as fair as Snow White.
The lion is the most ferocious animal.
No other animal are ferocious as the lion.
The rose is the best flowers.
No other flower is as good as the rose.
Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.
No other virtue is as great as truthfulness.
                            Superlative  Degree
                             Positive  degree
Acid throwing is one of the most heinous crimes.
Very few crimes are as heinous as acid throwing.
Trees are one of the best friends of human beings.
Very few friends of human beings are as good as trees.
Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man’s life.
Very few virtues in man’s life are as great as truthfulness.
It is one of the oldest schools.
Very few schools are as old as it.
                            Superlative  Degree
                             Positive  degree
Acid throwing is one of the most heinous crimes.
Very few crimes are as heinous as Acid throwing.
Because the poor thinks that costly food is the best of all foods.
Because the poor thinks that costly food is better than any food.
Because it is one the meanest means to attain worldly success.
Because very few means are so mean to attain worldly success as it.
Boiled rice with vegetables is the most favourite food to them.
No other food is as favourite to them as boiled rice with vegetables.
Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century.
Very few curses of the 21st century is as big as child.
Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science.
Very few inventions of modern science are so great as computer.
Corruption is one of the most heinous crimes.
Very few crimes are as heinous as corruption.
China is one of the biggest courtiers in the world.
Very few countries in the world are as big as China.
Flood is one of the most serious natural calamities.
Very few natural calamities are as serious as flood.
Formalin is one of the most harmful adulterants.
Very few adulterants are so harmful as Formalin
Ferdousi  is one of the greatest poets in Iran.
Very few poets in Iran were as great as Ferdousi
Gold is one of the most precious metals
Very few metals are as precious as Gold.
Each rat wanted the largest piece.
Each rat wanted a larger piece than the other.
Hamidur Rahman was the most conscious artist.
No other artist was as conscious as Hamidur Rahman.
He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world.
Very few scientists in the present world are as great as he.
He is one of the greatest soldiers in France.
Very few soldiers in France are as great as he.
He is one of the renowned professors in English.
Very few professors in English are as renowned as He.
He is one of the tallest boys in the class.
Very few boys in the class are so tall as he.
He is one of worst men in the village.
Very few men in the village are as worse as he.
He is one of the wisest men in the village.
Very few men in the village are as wise as he.
He was one of the greatest saints of that time.
Very few saints of that time were as great as he.
He was one of the poorest cobblers.
Very few cobblers were as poor as he.
He was one of the voyagers in the world.
Very voyagers in the world were as great as he.
He was one of the most generous persons.
Very few persons were as generous as he.
He is one of the most benevolent persons in our village.
Very few persons in our village are so benevolent as he.
He is one of the greatest romantic poets.
Very few romantic poets are as great as he.
Hurcules is one of the strongest Gods.
Very few Gods are as strong as Hercules.
Industry is one of the most important secrets for shining in life.
Very few secrets for shining in life is as important as Industry.
It is one of the best schools in our upazilla.
Very few schools in our upazilla is as good as it.
It is one of the greatest problems in our country.
Very problems are as great as it.
It has one of the hotel arrangements in the city.
Very few hotel arrangements in the city are as good as it.
It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.
Very few sea beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.
                            Superlative  Degree
                             Positive  degree
It is one of the most important parts of our life.
Very few parts of our life are as important as it.
It is one of the most important sources of our national economy.
Very few sources of our national economy are as important as it.
It is one of the most popular tourist spot of Bangladesh.
Very few tourist sport of Bangladesh is as popular as it.
It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life.
Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.
It is one of the oldest schools.
Very few schools are as old as it.
It is one of the hardest substances.
Very few substances are as hard as it.
It is one of the worst habits.
Very few habits are as bad as it.
It is one of the costlier game.
Very few games are as costlier as it.
It is one of the most important things in modern life.
Very few things are as important as it in modern life.
It is one of the largest and most spectacular parliament buildings in the world.
Very few parliament buildings in the world are as large as spectacular as it.
Khulna Public school is one of the best colleges in Bangladesh.
Very college in Bangladesh is as good as Khulna public college.
Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science.
Very few inventions of modern science are as wonderful as Mobile phone.
Meem is one of the best friends of Rebeka.
Very few friends of Rebeka are so good as Meem.
Of all the hotels, Raffle is one of the finest.
Of all the hotels, very few are as fine as Raffle.
Poverty is one of the greatest problems in our country.
Very few problems in our country are as great as poverty.
Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them.
Very few problems for them are as big as price hike.
Power crisis is one of the most common problems in Bangladesh.
Very few problems in Bangladesh are as common as power crisis.
River erosion is one of the important causes of diminishing agricultural land.
Very few causes of diminishing agricultural land are as important as river erosion.
Ruma is one of the tallest girls in the class.
Very few girls in the class is so tall as Ruma.
She was one of the cleverest women in the village.
Very few women in the village were as cleverer as she.
She was one of the most wonderful geese of the world.
Very few geese of the world were so wonderful as she.
Television is one of the most common sources of entertainment.
Very few sources of entertainment are as common as Television.
Television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment.
Very few forms of entertainment are as popular as television.
The cow is one of the most useful animals.
Very few animals are as useful as the cow.
The elephant is the largest of all land animals.
The elephant is larger than all other land animals.
Traffic Jam is one of the most serious problems in our country.
Very few problems in our country are as serious as Traffic Jam.
Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in man’s life.
Very few virtues in man’s life is as great Truthfulness.
Trees are one of the best friends of human beings.
Very few friends of human beings are as good as trees.
Khan Jahan Ali is one of the greatest saints.
Very few saints are as great as Khan Jahan Ali.
            Positive Degree
    Comparative Degree  
Superlative  Degree
Gm.Gg. Avnmvb nvexeNo other+ subject-------am/is/are/was/were +so/as +adverb/adjective (positive form)+as +Subject.
 No other girl in the class is as good as her.
Subject +verb +Comparative form+ than+ any other/all other+………………………
She is better than any other girl in the class.
Subject+ am/is/are/was/were +the +Superlative form +of (if present) +……
She is the best girl in the class.
Sub+ verb+ not +so/as +adverb/adjective (positive form)+as+…….
Rina is not so wise as Dina.
Noun/pronoun +verb+ Comparative form +than+…..
  Dina is wiser than Rina.
Sub+ verb +as +positive form +as+……..
  A plane flies as fast as a rocket.
Noun/Pronoun +do not/does not/did not+ verb+ comparative+ than +Subject.
 A Rocket does not fly faster than a plane.
Subject +verb, at least, +as +positive +as +subject.
A plane flies, at least, as fast as a bird.
Subject +do not/does not/did not +comparative +than +subject.
A bird does not fly faster than a plane.
Noun/pronoun +verb+, +at least, +as +adj +as +subject…..
Karim is,at least,as cautious as he
Subject +was/were/is/are +not less +adjective +than+ subject
Karim is not less cautious than he.
 Subject+ verb,+ at least +,+as much as +adjective+…..
 I have got, at lest, as much as five hundred taka.
Subject+ verb +no less than+…….
I have got, no less than five hundred taka.
A few/few/very few+ noun (plural)+are/were +so/as +positive form+ as+……….
Very few boys in the class are as good as he.
Noun/pronoun+ am/is/are+ was/were+ comparative form +than most other/than the majority of+…..
He is better than most other boys.
Subject +is/are/was/were +one of the +superlative form+…..
He is one of the best boys in the class.
Few other+ Noun (Plural)+are/were +as +positive +as +subject.
Few other dramatists are as great as Shakespeare.
Subject (noun/pronoun) +is/was +not only +the+ superlative form+……..
Shakespeare is not only the greatest dramatists.
As soon as +subject +Verb (past form)+extension +past indefinite tense.
As soon as he reached the station the train left.
No sooner had +subject +verb (past participle) + extension + than+ past indefinite tense.
No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
Subject+ verb+ as many as +…noun/pronoun+…
There are as many as fifty boys
Subject+ are/were+ no fewer than/not fewer than+………
There are no fewer than fifty boys.

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