Rules of passage Narration for SSC/HSC Examination
Rules of passage Narration for SSC Examination
Direct speech Gi GKwU passage Narration –G Assertive, Interrogative,
Exclamatory, Imperative I Optative – GB cuvP Sentence B _vK‡Z cv‡i|
GB sentence - ¸‡jvi
Indirect Narration Kivi †h wbqg, Passage Narration Kivi wbqg I ZvB| ïay KZK¸‡jv Linking words (ms‡hvM Kvix
kã) Passage Narration Gi
†ÿ‡Î e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wb‡gœ KZK¸‡jv wbqg †`qv njt.
01.Reporting verb Ges
Zvi subject ev
object bv _vK‡j-
(a)subject wnmv‡e
The Speaker.
(b)Object wnmv‡e
The person Spoken to
(c) Reporting verb wnmv‡e Reported Speech Abymv‡i- tell, ask, request,
order, command, propose, wish, pray, bid,
thank BZ¨vw` Avb‡Z n‡e| †hgb-
Direct: ‘Do it”
Indirect: The speaker told the
person spoken to do it.
02 Reporting verb Uv
gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡jt
Indirect Kivi mgq Zv‡K sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z wb‡q
Avm‡Z nq| †hgb-
Direct: “you look a little bit like my mother” Jerry said to
the authoress, specially in the dark by the fire”
Indirect: “Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little
bit like his mother specially in the dark by the fire.
03. ‡Kvb e³vi cici
GKvw`K Dw³ _vK‡jt
(a) wØZxq Dw³i †ÿ‡Î added
(b) Z„Zxq Dw³i †ÿ‡Î further added
(c) PZz_©
Dw³i †ÿ‡Î also said
(d) cÂg
Dw³i †ÿ‡Î again said
wKš‘ 2wU Interrogative cici _vK‡j wØZxqwUi †ÿ‡Î again/also asked nq|
Direct: He said, “I can chop some wood today. I shall come
again tomorrow”
Indirect: He said that he could chop some wood that day. He
added that he would come again the next day.
Direct: He said, “What
is your name? Where do you live?”
Indirect: He asked
What my name was. He also asked Where I lived.
04. Reported speech-G
“yes/no” _vK‡jt
Indirect G Replied in the
affirmative/negative + yes/no Gi ci AviI wKQz
(a) Replied in the affirmative /negative that+ evKx Ask/
and told that +evKx
(b) Subject + c~‡e©i cÖkœ
ev‡K¨i mv‡_ m½wZc~b© auxiliary verb em‡e| †hgb-
Direct: Shima said
to Sabina, “Are you going to Chittagong
tomorrow?” “yes”
Indirect: Shima asked
Sabina if she was going to Chittagong
the next day.
replied in the affirmative.
05. Direct speech-G
sir _vK‡j: sir Gi cwie‡Z© respectfully e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
Direct: “yes, Sir” She replied, “I have
done my duty”
Indirect : She replied respectfully in the
affirmative that she had done her duty.
06. Direct speech-G
KvD‡K †Kvb wKQz e‡j address Kiv
Indirect-G Reporting verb Gi
KZ©vi c~‡e© addressing (N/P) as-
nq| †hgb-
Direct: “Are you hungry, friend?” said
the shrewd king.
Indirect: Addressing them ad friends, the
shrewd king asked if they were hungry.
07. Direct speech –G
by Allah/God/Jove/My
life _vK‡jt
Indirect: Gi
ïiæ‡Z swearing by Allah/ God/Jove/My life e‡m| †hgb-
Direct: By Allah “be replied” I will not
leave this house”
Indirect : Swearing by Allah by replied
that he would not leave that house.
08. Inverted comma Gi
evB‡I †Kvb phrase ev clause _vK‡jt
Direct G
Zv AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq ïiæ‡ZB e‡m| †hgb-
Direct :”Are you brothers?” said the mistress
of the house, turning to the dervishes.
Indirect: Turning to
the dervishes the mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.
09.Dircet speech-G
Assertive sentence Gi †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý _vK‡jt
Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi c~‡e© being surprised wjL‡Z n‡e
Reporting verb ‡K ask –G
cwiewZ©Z Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-
Direct: She said to me , “ you have
remembered how she looked all these years?
Indirect: being surprised she asked me if I
had remembered how she had looked all those years.
10. Direct speech G
thank you _K‡j Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi subject+
reporting verb object e‡m| †hgb-
Direct : He said to me “Thank you”
Indirect: He thanked me.
11. Direct speech G
“Good bye” _vK‡j indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi
subject+ bade+ object+ good bye e‡m|
Direct: He said, “Good bye my friends”
He bade his friends good-bye.
12. Direct speech G
Good Morning/ Good evening/Good night _vK‡j
Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi subject+ wished+ good evening/ good
night /good
morning e‡m|
Direct: I said
to him, “Good morning”
Indirect: I
wished him good morning.
13. Direct speech G
sentence Gi cÖ_‡g pronoun Ges c‡i noun _vK‡jt
Indirect G
cÖ_‡g noun emv‡Z nq| †hgb-
Direct: He said to me, “Believe, I Mr
Rana, is quite innocent”
Indirect: Mr Rana
told me to believe that he was quite innocent.
14. Direct speech G
Optative sentence G
Reporting verb Gici
object _vK‡j
indirect G ïay pray Gi
†ÿ‡Î pray for
nq| †hgb-
Direct: Mother said to me ‘May Allah bless
Indirect: Mother prayed for me that Allah
might bless me.
15. Direct speech G
Exclamatory sentence G
what Ges how _vK‡j
Indirect speech
G h_vµ‡g Great, very e‡m| †hgb-
Direct: He said to me, ”What a fool you are”
Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that I was
a great fool.
16.Direct speech G
Reporting verb past tense bv n‡q present/future n‡j indirect G
wbKUeZx Ges `~ieZx© kã cwiewZ©Z nq bv| †hgb-
Direct: He says, “I am ill now”
Indirect: He says that he is ill now.
17.Direct G never _K‡j indirect G not to e‡m| †hgb-
Direct: He said to me, “Never tell a lie”
Indirect: He advised me not to tell a lie.
18 .Direct G cÖ¯Ív‡ei c‡I object _vK‡j Indirect G propose to e‡m
Direct: He said to me “Let us go to the
picnic “
Indirect:He proposed to me that they
should go to the picnic.
19.Direct speech
G we ×viv gvbeRvwZ eySv‡jt Indirect G Zv cwiewZ©Z
nq bv| †hgb-
Direct: He said, “We
shall all die”
Indirect: He said that
we shall all die.
20.We ×viv hw` e³v I hv‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡I ejv nq GB `yBRb‡K
eySv‡bv nq Z‡e G‡`I g‡a¨t
(a) GKRb 1st person n‡j we AcwiewZ©Z
(b) GKRb 2nd person n‡j we cwiewZ©Z n‡q
you nq|
(c) GKRb 1st person Ges 2nd person bv _vK‡j us cwiewZ©Z n‡q they nq|Passage Narration for JSC,SSC and HSC Examination
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Good morning, can I help you?”said the Manager. “Yes,I was told
to come over here to get a parking sticker.Is this the right place?”said the
lady. “Yes,it is.What’s the registration number of your car?”said the manager.(myfvZ,Avwg wK Avcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi?Ó ej‡jb e¨e¯’vcK|
n¨vu Avgv‡K GKwU cvwK©s w÷Kvi cvIqvi Rb¨ GLv‡b Avm‡Z ejv n‡qwQj| GwUB wK †m
RvqMv?ej‡jb gwnjv| n¨uv GwUB|Avcbvi Mvoxi †iwR‡÷kb b¤^i KZ?ej‡jb g¨v‡bRvi|)
Answer: The manager wished the lady good morning and asked her (L)
if he (M) could help her (L).The lady replied in the affirmative and said that
she (L) had been told to go over there to get a parking sticker. She (L) asked
him (M) if that was the right place. The manager replied in the affirmative and
told her (L) that it was. He (M) asked her (L) what the registration number of
her (L) care was.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
My mother said, “Won’t you go to school today?”I said, “Mother,I
feel feevish today.I don’t want to go to school.” “Ok, take rest now.You should
be more careful about your health,”said mother.(gv wRÁvmv Ki‡jb,ÔZzwg wK AvR we`¨vj‡q hv‡e bv?Ó Avwg ejjvg, gvÕ
ÒAvR AvR R¦i R¦i †eva KiwQ| Avwg we`¨vj‡q †h‡Z PvB bv|ÔwVK Av‡Q,wekÖvg bvI| ‡Zvgvi
¯^v‡¯’¨i cÖwZ AviI hZœevb nIqv DwPZ|Õej‡jb gv|)
Answer:My mother asked me if I wouldn’t go to school that day. I
replied her that I felt feverish that day and added that I didn’t want to go to
school. She accepted my excuse and advised me to take rest then and also
advised me to be more careful about my health.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Why did you not go to school yesterday, Rimu? asked the mother.
“I was ill, mum.” “How are you today?” “Well,”asnswered the girl. “Don’t worry
for me.”(ÒZzwg MZKvj ¯‹z‡j hvIwb
†Kb? wigy?Ó gv ej‡jb|ÒAvwg cxwoZ wQjvg ,gv|ÒAvR Zzwg †Kgb AvQ?Ó Avevi wR‡Ám
Ki‡jb|Òfv‡jv,Ó †g‡q ejj| ÒAvgvi Rb¨ wPšÍv K‡i bv|Ó)
Answer:The mother asked Rimu why she(R) had not gone to school the
previous day.Addressing her mother as mum the girl replied that she had been
ill.The mother again asked how she(R) was that day.The answered that she was
well.She also told her mother not to worry for her(R).
Comilla Board-2017
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The teacher said to the boy, “Do you know that honesty is the
policy?” The boy said, “Yes sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be hones from you
boyhood,”said the teacher. “Thank you, Sir”said the boy. “May Allah grant you a
long life.”said the teacher to the boy.(wkÿK
evjKwU‡K ej‡jb, ÒZzwg wK g‡b Ki mZZvB m‡evrK…ó cš’v?Ó Òn¨uv gnvkq Avwg ZvB g‡b
Kwi,Ó ÒZvn‡j evj¨Kvj †_‡KB mr nevi wkÿv MÖnY Ki,Óej‡jb wkÿK|Òab¨vev`,gnvkq,ejj
evjKwU| ÒAvjøvn †Zvgv‡K `xN© Rxeb `vb KiæY|,Ó wkÿK evjKwU‡K ej‡jb|)
Answer: The teacher asked the boy if he thought that honesty is
the best policy. The boy respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that
he thought so.The teacher advised him to learn to be honest from his (B)
boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked him (T).The teacher prayed that Allah
might grant him (b) a long life.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“How lovely the doll is! I’ll buy it,”said Mona. “No, it is not
durable.Tomorrow we’ll visit another village fair.Then you can buy me a good
doll,”said Mona. “Yes,”replied mother. (ÒcyZzjwU
wK my›`i! Avwg GwU wKbe,Ó ejj gbv| Òbv, GwU gReyZ bq| AvMvgxKvj Avgiv Ab¨ GKwU
MÖvg¨ †gjv cwi`©kb Kie| ZLb Zzwg Ab¨ GKwU cyZzj wKb‡e| GLb Pj,Òej‡jb gv| Zzwg
Aek¨B Avgv‡K GKwU fv‡jv cyZzj wK‡b w`‡e,Ó gbvejj| Ònu¨v,gv cÖwZDˇi ejj|)
Answer:Mona exclaimed with joy that the doll was very lovely and
told her(Mona) mother that she(Mona) would buy it.Mother told in the negative and said that it was not
durable and added that they would visit another village fair the next
day.She(Mother)also told her that
she(Mona) could buy another doll then.She(Mother) suggested that they should go
then.Mona insisted that she(mother) had to buy her a good doll.Mother replied
in the affirmative.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Dear friend, which book do you want?” “A Practical English
Grammar “of A J Thomson.I lost my copy yesterday,”said Oishe. “I can lend
you.But return it in a week,”I said.(ÒwcÖq
eÜz,Zzwg †Kvb eB PvI?Ó ÔA¨v cÖvKwUK¨vj Bswjk MÖ¨vgvi Ae G‡R _gmb| Avwg MZKvj
Avgvi KwcwU nvwi‡q †d‡jwQ,Óejj Hkx| ÒAvwg †Zvgv‡K avi w`‡Z cvwi|wKš‘y GK mßv‡ni
g‡a¨ Zv †diZ w`‡Z n‡e|Ó Avwg ejjvg|)
Answer:Addresssing her as dear friend, I asked Oishe which book
she(O) wanted.Oishe replied that she wanted ‘A Practiceal English Grammar’of
A.J.Thomson and added that she had lost her copy the previous day.I told her
that I could lend her and also told her to return it in a week.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“What are you doing now,Rashed?”I said, “I am watching an
interesting program on television.” “Aren’t you wasting your time?” “No,I don’t
think so,”he said. “Remember,too much watching of TV makes people lazy.”(ÒZzwg GLb Kx KiQ iv‡k`,ÓAvwg ejjvg|ÒAvwg †Uwjwfk‡b GKwU
gRv`vi Abyôvb †`LwQ| ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi mgq bó KiQ bv?Ó Avwg ejjvg| ÒbvÓ Avwg Giæc
g‡b Kwi bv,Ó †m ejj| Òg‡b †i‡Lv,AwZgvÎvq †Uwjwfkb †`Lv gvbyl‡K Ajm K‡i †`q|Ó)
Ans:Rashed asked me what I was doing then.I replied that I was watching
an interesting programme on television.He(R)asked me if I was not wasting my
time.I replied in the negative and said that I didn’t think so.He told me to
remember that too much watching television makes /made people lazy.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“My sons, listen to me.A great treasure lies hidden in the land.I
am going to leave it to you,” “How will we find it?” said the sons. “You must
dig the land for it,”said the old man.(Ò‡n
cyÎMY Avgvi K_v †kv‡bv| Rwg‡Z GK weivU m¤ú` jywK‡q Av‡Q| Avwg GUv †Zvgv‡`i Rb¨
†i‡L hvw”Q|Ó ÒKxfv‡e Avgiv †mUv Ly‡Ru cve?Ó ‡Q‡jiv ejj| Ò‡Zvgiv Aek¨B GUvi Rb¨
Rwg Lbb Ki‡e,Ó e„× †jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The old man told his sons to listen to him that a great
treasure lay hidden in the land.He
added that he was going to leave it to them (sons).The sons asked how they
would find it.The old man replied that they had to dig the land for it.
Dhaka Board-2016
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The police
officer said to Mita,”How can I help you?” Mita replied, “While I was coming
home alone by a taxi last nigh, two snatchers rode into my taxi.” “Did they
snatch anything from you ?” “Yes Sir ,they took away my cell phone and some
money,” said Mita . “Let me record a complaint,”said the police officer.(cywjk
Awdmvi wgZv‡K ejj, ÓAvwg Avcbv‡K Kxfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvwi? Dˇi
wgZv ejj, ÒhLb Avwg MZKvj iv‡Z GKvKx †Uw·‡Z P‡o
evmvq AvmwQjvg,ZLb `yBRb wQbZvBKvix Avgvi U¨vw·‡Z D‡V c‡o|Ó ÒZviv wK
Avcbvi KvQ †_‡K wKQz wQbZvB K‡iwQj?Ó Òn¨vu m¨vi,Zviv Avgvi ‡gvevBj †dvb Ges
wKQz UvKv wb‡q hvq| ÒwgZv ejj| ÒAvgv‡K GkwU Awf‡hvM wjL‡Z w`b|Ócywjk Kg©KZv©
police officer asked Mita how he could
help her.Mita replied that while she had been going home alone by
a taxi the previous night, two
snatchers had ridden into her
taxi. The police officer again asked
her if they had snatched anything from her. Mita respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that they had taken away her cell phone and some money. The police officer said that he might be allowed to
record a complaint.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“What is your
programme after the examination?” asked Hira. Mira said, “I’ve not decided. can you
suggest any?” “Let us on a picnic,” said Hira. “What an excellent idea it is
!”said Mira.( Òcixÿvi ci †Zvgvi Kg©m~Px wK?ÓwR‡Ám Kij wniv|wgiv ejj,
ÒAvwg GLb wVK K‡iwb|Zzwg wK †Kv‡bv
civgk© w`‡Z cvi?Ó ÒPj Avgiv
eb‡fvR‡b hvB|Óejj nxiv| ÒKx PgrKvi aviYvÓ ejj wgiv|)
Answer:Hira asked Mira what her programme was after the examination. Mira said that she had not decided.She
asked her if she/he could
suggest any. Hira suggested that they
should go on a picnic. Mira exclaimed
with joy that it was a very excellent idea.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The stranger
said to the boy, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?” “Yes ,sir. I
can. Do you want a residential one in which you can spend the night?” said the
boy. “I do not want to stay there but I only want a meal,” replied the man.(AcwiwPwZ
e¨w³wU †Q‡jwU‡K ej‡jb, Òme‡P‡q Kv‡Qi †nv‡U‡ji iv¯Ív †`wL‡q †`‡eb wK?ÓÒn¨vu
m¨vi,Avwg ej‡Z cvwi|Avcwb wK Ggb †Kv‡bv
AvevwmK †nv‡Uj Pvb ,‡hLv‡b Avcwb ivZ KvUv‡Z cv‡ib?Ó‡Q‡jwU ejj| ÒAvwg
†mLv‡b _vK‡Z PvB PvB bv Z‡e ‡Kej GK‡ejv †L‡Z PvB|Ó †jvKwU ejj|
stranger asked the boy if he could tell him the way to the nearest hotel.
He respectfully replied in the
affirmative and said that he could. The boy asked him if he wanted a residential one in which he could spend the night.
The man replied that he did not
want to stay there but he only wanted
a meal.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Rosomond said
to her mother, “What is it,Mum? I didn’t want this black thing and the terrible
smell.” Mother said, “I don’t know my dear.” Rosamond again said to her mother,
“But what shall I do with it?” Mother said, “I can’t tell.” “Okay, Mum, I must
pour It out and fill the jar with fresh
water.”(‡ivRgÛ Zvi gvZv‡K wR‡Ám Kij, ÒGUv wK ,gvAvwg Kv‡jv wRwbmUv I fqsKvi
`y©MÜ PvBwb|Ó gvZv ej‡jb, ÒAvwg Rvwb bv,wcÖq|Ó †ivRvgÛ Avevi Zvi gv‡K ejj,
ÒwKš‘y GwU w`‡q Avwg Kie?ÓgvZv ej‡jb, ÒAvwg ej‡Z cvie bv|Ó ÒwVK Av‡Q|Ó)
asked her mother what it was and said that she did not
want the black thing and terrible smell. Her mother affectionately told her that she did not know. Rosamond again asked her mother what she would
do with it. Mother replied that she
could not tell. Rosamond agreed
with her mother and said that
she must pour it out and filled
the jar with fresh water.
Comilla Board-2016
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Hello rickshaw puller, will you go ?”said I. “Where?”said the
rickshaw puller. “I want to go the railway station.” “I may go, if you pay me
200 taka,” said the rickshaw puller. (Òn¨v‡jv
wi·vIqvjv ,Zzwg Kx hv‡e?Ó Avwg ejj|‡Kv_vq?Õ wi·vIqvjv ejj| ÒAvwg †ijI‡q †÷k‡b
†h‡Z PvB|ÓÒAvwg †h‡Z cvwi,hw` Zzwg Avgv‡K 50 UvKv `vI|Ówi·vIqvjv ejj|)
Answer:Drawing the
attention of the rickshaw puller I asked
him if he should go. He asked me where
I would go. I also told him
that I wanted to go to the railway station.Then he told me that he might go if
I paid him Tk.200.
Chittagong Board-2016
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“May I come in ,sir ?”said the guardian. “Yes , come in ,please,”
said the Headmaster. The guardian said , “We, all the guardians along with you
must do something for the betterment of our children. They are losing their
morality.” The Headmaster said, “Let’s plan something for their betterment.”
(ÒAvwg wK Avm‡Z
cvwi,Rbve?ÓAwffveK ej‡jb| Òn¨vu,`qv K‡i Avmyb|ÓcÖavb wkÿK ej‡jb|AwffveK ej‡jb,
ÒAvcwb mn Avgv‡`i mKj AwffveK‡K Avgv‡`i mšÍvb‡`i Kj¨v‡Yi Rb¨ Aek¨B wKQz Ki‡Z
n‡e|Zviv Zv‡`i ˆbwZKZv nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q|ÓcÖavb wkÿK ej‡jb, Òavmyb Zv‡`i Kj¨v‡Y
Avgiv cwiKíbv Kwi|Ó)
Answer:The guardian respectfullly asked the Headmaster if
he might go in. The Headmaster replied
in the affirmative and requested
him to go in. Then the
guardian said that they, all
the guardians along with he had to do something for the
betterment of their children.
He added that they were losing
their morality. So, the
Headmaster suggested that they should
plan something for their betterment.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Mrs Nasima
said to her student, “I heard the news of your illness yesterday.How are you
now?” “I feel a bit well today,madam,”replied the student, “Don’t
will come round soon,”said Mrs Nasima.(wg‡mm bvwmgv Zvi Zvi QvÎx‡K ej‡jb, ÒAvwg MZKvj †Zvgvi Amy¯’Zvi
Lei †c‡qwQ|GLb Zzwg †Kgb Av‡Qv?Ó ÒAvwg AvR GKUy my¯’Zv Abyfe KiwQ,g¨vg| DËi w`j
QvÎwU| ÒwPšÍv K‡iv bv|Zzwg kÖxNªB my¯’ n‡q DV‡e|Óej‡jb wg‡mm bvwmgv|)
Answer:Mrs Nasima told
her student that she had heard
the news of her illness the
previous day and asked the student how
she was. Addressing her as
madam the student replied that she
felt a bit well that day.Mrs
Nasima told the student not to worry and also that she would come round soon.
Sylhet Board-2016
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Why are you
so happy? Dipa said to Rupali. “My brother sent a mobile phone for me
yesterday,”replied Ruplal. “But what’s the use of it to you?I think it is a
mere message of money?”said Dipa. “No, I can communicate with others in the
shortest possible time.”said Ruplal.(Ò‡Zvgv‡K GZ Lywk Lywk jvM‡Q,`xcv iæcvwj‡K ejj| iæcvwj ejj, ÒAvgvi
fvB MZKvj Avgvi Rb¨ GKwU ‡gvevBj ‡dvb
cvwV‡q‡Q|Õ `xcv ejj| ÕwKš‘ †Zvgvi wbKU
GwUi Kx e¨envi Av‡Q? Avwg g‡b Kwi GwU A‡_©i AcPq Qvov wKQzB bq|iæcvwj ejj, ÔbvÕ
Avwg mswÿß mg‡qi g‡a¨ Ab¨vb¨‡`i
mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z cvwi|)
asked Rupali why she(R) was looking so
happy.Rupali replied that her mother had sent a mobile phone for her(D) the previous day.But Dipa asked her what
the use of it was to her.She(D)thought it was a mere wastage of
money.Ruplal replied in the negative
and said that she could communicate with others in the shortest
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
morning, students “said the teacher. “How are you?” “We are fine, Sir. What
about you?” “I am fine too. Please sit down.” “Have you prepared your lesson?”
the teacher asked. “Sorry, sir, we have not prepared our lesson,” they replied.(Òïf
mKvj,wkÿv_x©ivÓ ej‡jb wkÿK, Ó‡Zvgiv †Kgb AvQ?Ó ÓAvgiv Lye fv‡jv ,m¨vi|Avcwb
†KgbAv‡Qb?Ó ÒAvwgI Lye fv‡jv AvwQ|`qv K‡i e‡m c‡ov|Ó Ò‡Zvgiv wK cov wk‡L G‡mQ?
ÓwkÿK wR‡Ám Ki‡jb| Ò`ytwLZ m¨vi,Avgiv Avgv‡`i cov wkwLwb|ÓZviv Dˇi ejj|
Answer: The
teacher wished the students good morning. He asked
them how they were.They respectfully
replied that that they were
fine. They asked him how he was. He replied
that he was fine too.Then the teacher
requested them to sit down. He also asked them if
they had prepared their lesson.They respectfully
replied that they were
sorry. They added that they had
not prepared their lesson.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Konica, have
you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, Sir” she replied.
“But I have not understood one grammatical point.” The teacher assured her
saying, “Come to my room, I will help you understand the point.” “Thank you,
Sir.” she smilingly said.(ÒKwbKv Zzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR cvV
†kl K‡iQ?Ó wkÿK wR‡Ám Ki‡jb| Ònu¨v,m¨viÓ‡m Dˇi ejj, ÒwKš‘ Avwg GKwU e¨vKiYMZ
welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb|ÒwkÿK Zv‡K G K_v e‡j Avk¦¯Í Ki‡jb ÒAvgvi Kvgivq Avm,Avwg
†Zvgv‡K welqwU eyS‡Z mvnvh¨ Kie|Ów¯§Z †n‡m †m ejj, Óab¨ev` ,m¨vi|Ó
teacher asked Konica if she had
done her English lesson that day. She respectfully replied in the affirmative.She also said that she
had not understood
grammartical point.The teacher assured her to
come to his room.He assurd her saying that he (t)would
help her understand the point.With respect she smilingly thanked him.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Once a rich
banker said to a poor cobbler, “How much do you earn a year?” The cobbler
replied laughing, “I never count in this way. I earn barely enough to pass a
day. And I’m happy.” “Are you really happy?” said the banker.(GK`v
GK abx e¨vsK Kg©KZv© GK `wi`ª gywP‡K ej‡jb, ÓAvcwb eQ‡i KZ UvKv DcvR©b K‡ib?Ó
gywPwU †n‡m DËi w`‡jb, ÒAvwg KL‡bv Gfv‡e wnmve Kwiwb| Avwg †Kv‡bvfv‡e w`b hvcb
Kivi gZ Dcv©Rb Kwi| Avwg mywL?Ó ÒAvcwb wK cÖK…ZB mywL?Ó e¨vsK Kg©KZ©v ej‡jb|
Answer:Once a
rich banker asked a poor
cobbler how much he earned a year.The cobbler replied laughing that he never counted
in that way.He also added that he never counted in that way.He also
added that he earned barely enough to pass a
day.And again he added that he was happy.The banker asked
if he was really happy.
Jessore Board-2015,
Dinajpur Board-2012
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The teacher
said to the student, “Have you prepared your lesson toady?” “No, Sir,” replied
the student. The teacher said, “Why?” “I was suffering from headache yesterday.
I shall do my work tomorrow,” said the student.( wkÿK †Q‡jwU‡K ej‡jb,
ÒZzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi cvV ˆZwi K‡iQ?Ó Òbv,m¨vi,Ó QvÎwU Reve w`j| wkÿK ej‡jb,
Ò‡Kb?ÓÒAvwg MZKvj gv_v e¨v_vq fzMwQjvg| Avwg AvMvgxKvj Avgvi KvR Kie|ÒQvÎwU
Reve w`j|
teacher asked the student if he had prepared his
lesson that day.The student replied in the negative.The
teacher asked him the cause/why.The student replied that he(s) had been suffering from headache the previous day.He also added that he(s) would go his
work the following day.
Board-2015,Rajshahi Board-2010,
Comilla Board-2009,Sylhet
Board-2009,Jessore Board--2009
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The teacher
said to the girl, “Do you know that honesty is the best policy?” The girl said,
“Yes, Sir, I think so.” Then learn to be honest from your childhood,” said the
teacher. Thank you,” said the girl. “May Allah help you,” said the teacher.( wkÿK
evwjKvwU‡K ej‡jb, ÒZzwg wK g‡b Ki †h, mZZvB m‡ev©Ëg cš’v? evwjKvwU ejj,ÒwR¡
m¨vi,Avwg Zv g‡b Kwi| Zvn‡j †Zvgvi evj¨Kvj †_‡KB mr nevi wkÿv jvf Ki|Ó ÒwkÿK
ej‡jb| ÒAvcbv‡K ab¨ev`,m¨vi|Ó evwjKvwU ejj| ÒAvjøvn †Zvgv‡K `xNv©qy Kiæb|Ó
Answer: The
teacher asked the girl if he thought
that honesty is the best policy. The girl respectfully replied in the affirmative that she thought so. Then the teacher advised her to
learn to be honest from her
childhood. The girl respectfully
thanked him. The teacher wished that Allah might bless her.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Have you
ever been to Cox’s Bazar?” asked Shabab. “No, I have never,” replied Labib.
“But I desire for visiting this place.” “I had an opportunity to visit the
sea-beach last year,” said Shabab. “Let us go there this week,” said Labib.(“Zzwg
wK KL‡bv K·evRv‡i wM‡q‡Q?Ó kveve wR‡Ám Kij| Óbv,Avwg KL‡bv hvBwb|Ójvwee DËi
w`j, ÒZ‡e Avgvi ¯’vbwU †eov‡bvi AvKv•Lv
i‡q‡Q|ÓMZ eQi mgy`ª ˆmKZ †eov‡bvi GKUv my‡hvM Avwg †c‡qwQjvg| Òkveve ejj| ÒPj Avgiv G mßv‡n
†mLv‡b hvB| Òjvwee ejj|
asked Labib if he had ever been
to Cox’s Bazar.Labib replied in the
negative and said that
he had never
been there and added that he desired for visiting that
place.Shabab told him that he (s) had had
an opportunity to visit the
sea beach the previous year.Labib
proposed to him that they should
go there that week.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The girl said
to the teacher, “Sir, I shall be grateful if you kindly lend me the book you
praised highly in the classroom yesterday.” The teacher said, “I have become
really happy to know that you are eager to read this book. You are welcome to
any of my books that you like.” “Thank you, Sir,” said the girl. “You are
welcome,” said the teacher.(evjKwU wkÿK/wkwÿKv‡K ejj,Òm¨vi,Avcwb
MZKvj †h eBwUi A‡bK cÖksmv †kÖYx‡Z K‡i‡Qb †m eBwU `qv K‡i Avgv‡K avi w`‡j
Avcbvi wbKU Avwg K…ZÁ _vKe| ÒwkÿK/wkwÿKv ej‡jb, ÒZzwg †h eBwU co‡Z AvMÖnx Zv
†R‡b Avwg mwZ¨B Lye Lywk n‡qwQ| ‡Zvgvi cQ›` Ggb †h †Kv‡bv eB wb‡Z †Zvgv‡K ¯^vMZ
RvbvB|Ó Òab¨ev`,m¨vi|Ó evwjKvwU ejj|Ò‡Zvgv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q|ÓwkÿK/wkwÿKv ej‡jb|)
teacher told the teacher politely that she would be grateful if he kindly lent
her the book he had praised highly in the classroom the previous day.The teacher told that he had become really happy to know that she (g)was eager to
read the book.The teacher added that
she was welcome to any of his books that she liked.The girl thanked him respectfully.The
teacher further said that she was welcome.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The new
teacher entered the classroom and said, “Can you tell me what I should do now?”
“No Sir.”, one of the students said. The teacher smiled and said, “Try to
guess.” “You should introduce yourself to us.” another student said. “Thank
you.” said the teacher. “You’re really brilliant.”(GKRb bZzb wk¶K ‡kªYx‡Z cÖ‡ek Kij Ges ejj,
Ò‡Zvgiv wK ej‡Z cvi, Avgvi wK Kiv DwPZ|Ó Òbv m¨vi| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb QvÎ ejj|wk¶K
nvmj Ges ejj, ÒAbygvb Ki‡Z †Póv Ki|Ó ÒAvcbvi cÖ_‡g cwiwPwZ nIqv DwPZ|Ówk¶K
ej‡jb, Ò‡Zvgv‡K ab¨ev`|ÓÒZzwg mwZ¨B †gavex QvÎ|)
Answer: The
new teacher entered the classroom and asked
the students if they could tell him what he should do then.
One of the students replied
respectfully in the negative. The teacher smiled and told them
to try to guess. Another student said
that he should introduce himself
to them. The teacher thanked him
and said that he was really
Jessore Board-2013, Sylhet Board-2007 Comilla
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Ratan, have
you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, Sir, I did it.
But I haven’t understood some grammatical points.” replied Ratan. “Where is the
problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.”(ÒiZb, Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR cvV K‡i‡Qv ?Ó wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij | Ònu¨v,
m¨vi, Avwg Bnv K‡iwQjvg| wKš‘ MÖvgv‡ii wKQy welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb|Ó iZb DËi
w`j|Òmgm¨v †Kv_vq?Ó wk¶K ejj,ÒPj Avgiv Avevi †Póv Kwi|Ó)
Answer: The
teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English
lesson that day. Ratan replied respectfully in the affirmative
and said that he had done it but he had not understood some
grammatical points. The teacher again
asked him where the problem was. He suggested
that they should try again.
Rajshahi Board-2013
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Hazrat Omar
(R) said to the woman, ‘Where do you live?’ The woman said, ‘I live in a poor
hut, south end to this town. I am hungry but there is no food in my house. Will
you give me something to eat?’ Hazrat Omar (R) said, ‘Go home. I am coming with
food and money.’(Igi( ivt)gwnjvwU‡K ej‡jb, ÒAvcwb †Kv_vq evm
K‡ib? ÒgwnjvwU ej‡jb ÒAvwg GB kn‡ii `wÿY w`‡Ki †klcÖv‡šÍ GKwU Mixe KzwU‡i evm
Kwi| Avwg ÿza©vZ wKš‘ Avgvi N‡i †Kvb Lvevi †bB| ÒZzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQz †L‡Z
†`‡e?Ó Òevwo‡Z hvb Avwg Lvevi Ges UvKv
wb‡q AvmwQÓ Igi (ivt) ej‡jb|)
Omar (R) asked the woman where she lived. The woman replied that she lived in a
poor hut south end to that town. She added that she was hungry but there was no
food in her house. Then she asked Hazrat Omar (R) if he would give her
something to eat. In response, Hazrat Omar (R) told her to go home and also
said that he was going with food and money.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Omar(R) said
to the woman, “Where do you live?” The woman said, “I live in a poor hut south
end to this town. I am hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you give
me something to eat?” Hazrat Omar(R) said, “Go home. I am coming with food and
money.”(Igi (ivt) gwnjvwU‡K
ejj,ÒZzwg †Kv_vq _vK?Ó gwnjvwU ejj, ÒAvwg GB kn‡i †_‡K `w¶Y w`‡K GK cÖv‡šZ GKwU
‡QvU Ky‡o N‡i evm Kwi| Avwg Lye ¶yav©Z wKš‘ Avgvi evwo‡Z †Kvb Lvevi †bB|Avgv‡K
wK wKQy ‡L‡Z Lvevi w`‡e| nhiZ Igi (ivt) ejj, Òevwo hvI| Avwg Lvevi Ges UvKv
cqmv wb‡q AvmwQ|Ó
Answer: Omar
(R) asked the woman where she lived.
The woman replied that she lived
in a poor hut south end to this town. She added
that she was hungry but there was
no food in her house. She also asked him if he would give her something to eat. Hazrat Omar
(R) told her to go home and added that he was coming with
food and money.
Jessore Board-2013,
Comilla Board-2011
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Ratan, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher.
“Yes, Sir, I did it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points.” replied
Ratan. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.” (ÒiZb, Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR cvV K‡i‡Qv ?Ó wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij | Òn¨v, m¨vi,
Avwg Bnv K‡iwQjvg| wKš‘ MÖvgv‡ii wKQy welq eyS‡Z cvwiwb|Ó, iZb DËi w`j|Òmgm¨v
†Kv_vq?Ó wk¶K ejj,ÒPj Avgiv Avevi †Póv Kwi|Ó)
Answer:The teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English lesson that day. Ratan replied that he had done it but he had not understood some grammatical points. The teacher again asked him where the problem was. He suggested that they should try again.
Comilla Board-2013
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The teacher
said to the boy, “Why do you make a noise in the class? You are not attentive
to your lessons.” “Sorry Sir” said the boy. “I was asking for a pen to my
friend.” “Be attentive and listen to what I say.”(wk¶K evjKwU‡K ejj ,ÒZzwg †kªYx‡Z †Kb SMov Ki?Ó
Zzwg †Zvgvi cv‡V g‡bv‡hvMx bq| Ò`ytwLZÓ evjKwU ejj| ÒAvwg Avgvi eÜzi KvQ †_‡K
GKwU Kjg PvB‡ZwQjvg|ÓÒcv‡V g‡bv‡hvMx nI, Avwg hv ewj|Ó
Answer: The
teacher asked the boy why he (B) made
a noise in the class. He added that he
(B) was not attentive to his
(B) lessons. The boy apologized
to the teacher respectfully. He added
that he (B) had been asking for a pen to his (B) friend. Then the teacher advised him (B) to be attentive and to listen to what he (T) said.
Chittagong Board-2013,
Sylhet Board-2011
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The fruit
seller said, “Which fruits do you want to buy?I have apples from Australia,
oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir.” The customer said, “What fruits
of our country do you have?” The seller said, “I have coconut, guava, and
Jackfruit.” The customer said, “Give one kg of Guava as it will be substitute
of Australian Apples. (GK dj
we‡µZv ejj, †Kvb ‡Kvb dj Avcwb wKb‡Z Pvb ?Ó Avgvi Kv‡Q A‡÷wjqvi Av‡cj,`vwR©wjs
Gi Kgjv,Kvk¥x‡ii Av½yi Av‡Q | ‡µZv ej‡jb †Zvgvi Kv‡Q Avgv‡`i †`‡ki wK dj Av‡Q ?
we‡µZv ejj, Ò Avgvi Kv‡Q bvwi‡Kj,†cqviv
I KvuVvj Av‡Q|Ó†µZv ejj, ÒAvgvi GK †KwR †cqviv `vI †h‡nZz GUv n‡e A‡÷wjqvi
Av‡c‡ji weKí |Ó)
Answer: The
fruit seller asked the
customer which fruit he (c) wanted
to buy. He added that he (s) had
the apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir.
The customer asked him what fruits
of their country he had.
The fruit seller replied that he had
coconut, guava and jackfruit. Then the customer told him (s) to give one kg of guava as it would be the substitute
of Australian apples.
Barisal Board-2013
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Why are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir? Why don’t you eat?”
asked the noble man. “I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich
dishes,” replied Sheikh Saddi. “ I don’t understand what do you mean to say.”
Said the noble man ,. “And I’m sorry.”(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U
ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb bv ? m¤ª¢všZ/gnvb †jvKwU ejj | ÓAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ,
GB `vgx Lvevi ¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j | ÓAvwg eyS‡Z
cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ m¤£všZ
†jvKwU ejj,ÓGes Avwg `ytwLZ |)
Answer: The noble man respectfully asked Sheikh Saddi why he was
putting up the food in his pocket./Addressing Sheikh Saddi as sir
the noble man askd why he(S) was putting the foods in his(S) pocket. He
again asked why he did not eat. Sheikh Saddi replied that he was
doing the right thing .He added that
his(S) dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man said that he
was sorry.He added that he(N) did not understand what he(S) meant
to say.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Why you are
putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?” asked the noble man. “I am doing the
right thing.My dress deserves the rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saadi. “Please
tell me clearly what you mean to say?” said the noble man.(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó
Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb bv ? m¤£všZ †jvKwU ejj | ÒAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi
¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j |ÓÒ AbyMÖn K‡i Avgv‡K ejyb
Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”Qb|Ó Avwg eyS‡Z cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ m¤£všZ †jvKwU ejj, Ó
Answer: The
noble man asked Sheikh saadi
respectfully why he (S) was putting up the food in his (S) pocket. Sheikh saadi replied that he was doing the right thing and he added that his dress deserved the rich dishes. The
noble man requested Sheikh saadi to
tell him clearly what he (S) meant to
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“I have got G.P.A. 5 in the S.S.C. Examination,” said Kamal.
“Congratulations.” “What do you intend to do now?” asked Hasan.“I want to study
in a reputed college. I will try to get myself admitted into Dhaka College, Said
Kamal. (ÒAvwg Gm.Gm.wm cix¶vq wR.wc.G-5 †c‡qwQ,Ó Kvgvj ejj| ÒAwfb›`b!Ó
ÒZzwg GLb wK Ki‡Z PvI?Ó nvmvb wRÁvmv Kij|ÒAvwg GKwU bvgKiv K‡j‡R fwZ© n‡Z
PvB|Avwg XvKv K‡j‡R fwZ© nIqvi Rb¨ †Póv Kie|Ó
Answer: Kamal said that
he had got GPA- 5 in the SSC examination. Hasan congratulated Kamal. He asked
him (K) what he (K) intend to do then.
Kamal replied that he (K) wanted to
study in a reputed college and he (K)
added that he would try to get himself admitted into Dhaka college.
Board-2013, Comilla Board-2010, Jessore Board-2008
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving
for two days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I am
unable to work.”said the old man. (Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQy Lvevi w`‡Z cvi‡e ? Avwg
`yÕw`b hveZ Abvnv‡i AvwQÓ| PvKivbxwU ejj ÓZzwg wf¶v Ki †Kb? Zzwg KvR Ki‡Z cvi
bv|? Ó bv , Avwg KvR Ki‡Z A¶g Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The old man asked
the maid if she could give him
some food. He added that he had been
starving for two days. The maid asked
him why he begged. She again
asked him if could not work. Replying
negatively the old man said
that he was unable to work.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazer?” asked Hasan. “No,
I have never gone there, “replied Kamal. “But I long for visiting the place.”
“I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year,” said Hasan. “How
charming the scenery is!”(ÒZzwg
wK KL‡bv K·evRv‡i wM‡qQ?Ónvmvb wRÁvmv Kij| Òbv, Avwg KLbI K·evRv‡i hvBwb|Kvgvj
DËi w`j|wKš‘ Avwg RvqMvwU‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨ `xN©w`b †_‡K cÖZ¨vkv KiwQ|Avwg MZ eQi
mgy`ª ˆmK‡Z hvIqvi my‡hvM †c‡qwQjvg|nvmvb ejj| ÒwK my›`i RvqMvwU!Ó)
Answer: Hasan asked Kamal if he had ever been to cox’s Bazer. Kamal replied that he had never gone there but he longed for visiting the place. Hasan added that he had an opportunity to visit the sea beach the previous year. He exclaimed with joy that the scenery was very charming.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“I came to Bogra this afternoon. I sent you a massage before
starting from home” Roka said” Did you receive it in time? she asked “No, I did not receive” I replied. (ÒAvwg AvR we‡K‡j
e¸ov G‡mwQ | evwo †_‡K iIqvbv †`Iqvi c~‡e© Avwg msev` cvwV‡qwQjvg , ÕÕ †ivKv
ejj |Òmgq g‡Zv Zv Avcwb †c‡q‡Qb wK?ÕÕ †m wR‡Ámv Kij |Òbv Avwg Zv cvBbv,ÒAvwg DIi w`jvg |)
Answer: Roka told
me that she had gone to Bogra that afternoon. She added that she had sent me a
message before starting from home. She asked
me if I had received it in time. I replied in the negative that I had not received it.
Board-2012, Chittagong Board-2009, Dinajpur Board-2011
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The man said to the manager “May I come in Sir ?” “Yes,” come
in.“What do you want ?”said the manager “I want to open a bank account in your bank ,”said the man .”Can you
tell me the process of opening a savings account?”(‡jvKwU g¨v‡bRvi‡K
ejj,ÒAvwg wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi,m¨vi ?ÓÒn¨v,wfZ‡i Avmyb|
Kx Pvb?Ó g¨v‡bRvi wR‡Ám Ki‡jb|ÒAvwg Avcbvi e¨vs‡K GKwU e¨vsK wnmve Lyj‡Z PvB|Ó
†jvKwU ejj| ÒAvcwb wK ej‡Z cv‡ib Kxfv‡e Avwg GKwU mÂqx wnmve Lyj‡Z cvwi?Ó)
Answer: The man respectfully asked the manager if he might go in.
The manager replied in the affirmative
and told him to go in.
He also asked him what he wanted.
The man replied him (MR) that he
wanted to open a bank account. At last he asked him (MR) if he could tell him the process of
opening a saving account.
the following in the reported speech:
The traveller said, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?”
Yes “said the peasant.” Do you want one in which you can spend the night?”
“No,”replied the traveller.” I only want a meal.” (ågbKvix
ej‡jb,ÒAvcwb wK wbKU¯’ mivBLvbvi c_wU Avgv‡K
e‡j w`‡Z cv‡ib?ÓÒn¨uv,Ó K…lK ejj|ÒAvcwb wK ivZwU KvUv‡bvi Rb¨ †mwU Pv‡”Qb?Ó
ÒbvÓ ågYKvix Reve w`‡jb| ÒAvwg ïay Lvevi †L‡Z PvB|Ó)
Answer:The traveller asked
the peasant if he(P) could
tell him(T) the way to the
nearest inn. The peasant replied in the
affirmative and asked him if he (T) wanted one in which he (T) could spend the night. The traveller replied in the negative that he
only wanted a meal.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
I said to the passer- by,“What are you seeing now?” “I am seeing
the people running here and there” he said. “How happy they are! May God help
them. Let me enjoy this.”I said.(Avwg cw_K‡K ejjvg ,ÒAvcwb GLb Kx †`L‡Qb?Ó Ò‡jvK
Rb †h GLv‡b-‡mLv‡b †`Šov‡”Q Avwg Zv
†`LwQ|Ó ‡m ejj| ÒZviv KZ myLx! Avjøvn Zv‡`i mnvq †nvb| Avgv‡K Zv Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z
w`b|Ó Avwg ejjvg |)
Answer: I asked
the passer-by what he was seeing then.
He said that he was seeing the
people running here and there. I exclaimed
with joy that they were very
happy. Further I wished that
God might help them. Then I
told that I might be allowed to enjoy that.
Board-2012, Chittagong Board-2007
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Why did you not go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the
girl. “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied. “How are you today?” the mother asked
again.” “Well,” said the girl, “Don’t worry for me.” (ÒZzwg MZKvj †Kb
¯‹z‡j hvIwb ?Ó gv evwjKvwU‡K ejj| Ògv,ÒAvwg Amy¯’ wQjvg,Ó evwjKvwU DËi w`j|
ÒZzwg AvR †Kgb Av‡Qv?Ó gv Avevi wRÁvmv Kij | ÒfvjÓ, evwjKvwU ejj, ÒAvgvi Rb¨
DwØMœ nBI bvÓ|)
Answer: The mother asked
the girl why she (girl) had not
gone to school the
previous day. The girl lovingly
replied that she (girl) had been ill. / (Addressing her (M) as mum she (G) replied that she (G) had been
ill.) The mother again asked
her (G) how she (G) was that day. The girl replied that she was well. She (G) also said her not to worry for
Board-2012, Sylhet-2012
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?”asked Shabab“No, I have never
gone there, replied Labib. “But I desire for visiting the place” “I had an
opportunity to visit the sea beach last year “said Shabab” “Let us go there
this week.”(ÒZzwg wK KLbI KKvªevRvi wM‡qQ?Ó mveve wR‡Ám Kij|Òbv,Avwg KLbI hvB
wb,Ójvwee DËi w`j|ÓÒwKš‘ Avwg RvqMvwU ågY Kivi Avkv †cvlY Kwi|ÓÒMZ eQi Avgvi GK my‡hvM N‡UwQj mgy`ªª‰mKZ
ågYKivi,Ómveve ejj| ÒPj Avgiv GB mßv‡n †mLv‡b hvB|Ó)
Answer:Shabab asked
Labib if he ever been to Cox’s
Bazer. Labib replied in the negative
that he(L) had never gone
there. But he added that he desired
for visiting the place. Shabab said that
he had an opportunity to visit sea beach the previous year. He proposed
that they should go there that
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
I said to old man, “What are you doing?” “I am watching the boys
swimming in the pond,” he said. “How happy they are! May Allah bless them.”
“Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene.” I said. (Avwg e„ׇjvKwU‡K
ejjvg, ÒZzwg wK Ki‡Qv?Ó ÒAvwg evjK‡`i b`x‡Z mvZvi KvUv‡Z †`LwQ|Ó‡m ejj| ÒZviv
wK myLx!ÓAvjøvn Zv‡`i g½j KiyY|Avgv‡K †Zvgvi cv‡k¦© em‡Z `vI Ges `„k¨wU Dc‡fvM
Ki‡Z `vI|Ó Avwg ejjvg|)
Answer: I asked
the old man what he was
doing. He replied that he was
watching the boys swimming in the pond. He also exclaimed that they were very happy. He again
prayed that Allah might bless them. I requested the old man to let
me sit by him and enjoy the scene.
Board-2011, Sylhet Board-2010
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“My sons listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden in the land. I
am going to leave it to you.” “How’ll we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig
the land for it” said the old man. (ÒAvgvi cyÎiv, Avgvi K_v †kvb | GKwU wekvj iZœ
fvÛvi gvwUi bx‡P jyKvwqZ Av‡Q | Avwg GUv †Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ †i‡L hvw”Q|Ó ÒGUv Avgiv
wKfv‡e Ly‡Ru cve?Ó cyÎiv ejj| ÒGUvi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡`i‡K Aek¨B gvwU Lbb Ki‡Z n‡e|Ó
e„Ø ‡jvKwU ej‡jb|)
Answer: The old man told
his sons to listen
to him and added that a
great treasure lay hidden
in the land. He further added that he
was going to leave it to them.
The sons asked him how they would
find it. The old man replied that
they had to dig the land for it.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
Have you completed your assignment?” said Rumana. “No, I haven’t
completed yet, “replied Farah. “But you must submit it timely,” said Rumana. “I
worked on it for several hours yesterday,” replied Farah. (iygvbv dvivn‡K
ejj, Ò Zzwg wK †Zvgvi Awc©Z KvR K‡i‡Qv?Ó Òbv, Avwg GLbI m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cvwi bvB|,Ó
dvivn DËi w`j| ÒwKšZz †Zvgv‡K mgqgZ Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|Ó iygvbv ejj| ÒMZKvj Avwg A‡bK
mgq a‡i KvRwU K‡iwQjvg|Ó dvivn DËi w`j|)
Answer: Rumana asked
Farah if she (F) had completed
her (F) assignment.Farah
replied in the negative and said that
she had not completed yet. Being
dissatisfaction,Rumana told her (F) that she (F) must submit it
timely. Farah replied that she had worked on it several hours the previous day.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving
for three days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I’m
unable to work.” The old man replied. (e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj, Ò Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQy Lvevi w`‡Z
cvi‡e ? Avwg `yÕw`b hveZ Abvnv‡i AvwQÓ| PvKivbxwU ejj ÓZzwg wf¶v Ki †Kb? Zzwg
KvR Ki‡Z cvi bv|? Ó bv , Avwg KvR Ki‡Z A¶g Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The old man asked
the maid if she could give him
some food. He added that he had
been starving for three days. The maid asked him why he begged. She further asked him if he couldn’t work. The old man replied in the negative that he was
unable to work.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
My sister said to me, “Why are you reading this hour? Don’t you
think that it is a time of prayer? Let us go out for a walk after saying
prayer.” “Yes, I agree with you,” said I. (Avgvi †evb Avgv‡K ejj, ÒGB mg‡q Zzwg †Kb co‡Qv?Ó
Zzwg wK Rvb bv †h, GLb cÖv_©bvi mgq ? Pj cÖv_©bv †k‡l evB‡i nvUu‡Z hvB|Ó Òn¨vu,
Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ GKgZ|Ó Avwg ejjvg|
Answer: My sister asked
me why I was reading
that hour. She again asked if I did not think
that it was time of
prayer. She proposed to me that we
should go out for a walk after saying prayer. I replied in the affirmative and
said that I agreed with her.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“What are you doing now, Jack?” I said. “I am watching an
interesting programme on television.” “Aren’t you wasting your time?” I said.
“No, I don’t think so,” he said. (Zzwg GLb wK Ki‡Qv, R¨vK?Ó Avwg ejjvg| ÒAvwg
†Uwjwfk‡b AvK©lYxq GKwU Abyôvb †`LwQ|Ó ÒZzwg wK †Zvgvi mgq bó Ki‡Qv bv?Ó Avwg
ejjvg| Òbv, Avwg †Zgb g‡b Kwi bv,Ó †m ejj|
Answer: I asked
Jack what he was doing
then. Jack replied that he was watching
an interesting programme on television. I again
asked him (J) if he was not wasting his (J) time. He again
replied in the negative that he did not think so.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The class teacher of class X said to the students, “Do you like to
go for study tour?” “Yes’ said all the students. Then he said, “Take permission
of your parents.” One of the students said, “Let us go to Cox’s Bazar ” The most experienced age-old teacher said,
“May your journey be safe and sound.”(10g †kªYxi †kªYx wk¶K QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K ejj, Ò‡Zvgiv
wK wk¶v md‡i †h‡Z PvI?Ó Òn¨vuÓ me QvÎ-QvÎx ejj| Zvici †m ejj, Ò †Zvgvi evev
gv‡qi KvQ †_‡K AbygwZ wb‡e|Ó ÒZv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb wk¶v_x© ejj, ÒPj Avgiv K·evRvi
hvB|Óme‡P‡q eq¯‹ AwfÁ wk¶K ejj, Ò‡Zvgv‡`i ågb my›`i I wbivc` †nvK|Ó
Answer: The class teacher of class X asked the students if they liked to go for study tour. All the students replied in the affirmative. Then
he (T) advised to take
permission of their parents.
One of the students proposed that they
should go to Cox’s Bazar. The most experienced age-old teacher wished that their journey might be safe
and sound.
Chittagong Board-2010,
Rajshahi Board-2008
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
The old man
said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving for three days.” The
maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I’m unable to work.” The old
man replied. (e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj, Ò
Zzwg wK Avgv‡K wKQy Lvevi w`‡Z cvi‡e ? Avwg `yÕw`b hveZ Abvnv‡i AvwQÓ|
PvKivbxwU ejj ÓZzwg wf¶v Ki †Kb? Zzwg KvR Ki‡Z cvi bv|? Ó bv , Avwg KvR Ki‡Z
A¶g Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ejj|)
Answer: The
old man asked the maid if she could
give him some food.
He added that he had been starving
for three days. The maid asked him why
he begged. She further asked
him if he couldn’t work. The old man replied in the negative that he was unable to work.
Barisal Board-2010
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Where do you
like to go, Sir? said the ticket officer to the passenger. “I want to go to
Chittagong,” said the passenger. “How many tickets do you need?” “I need five
tickets.” “Here are the tickets. They will cost one thousand taka,” said the
ticket officer. (wU‡KU
Kg©KZ©v hvÎx‡K ejj, Òm¨vi,Avcwb †Kv_vq †h‡Z Pvb?ÓÒ Avcbvi KZwU wU‡KU `iKvi?Ó
ÒAvgvi cvPuwU wU‡KU `iKvi|Ó ÒGB wbb wU‡KU¸wj| ‡m¸‡jv‡Z me©‡gvU GKnvRvi UvKv
jvM‡e|Ó wU‡KU Kg©KZ©v ejj|)
Answer: The
passenger respectfully asked
the ticket officer where he (P)
liked to go. The passenger replied
that he (P) wanted to go to Chittagong. The ticket officer further asked the passenger how many
tickets he (P) needed. He then
replied that he (p) needed five tickets. Finally the ticket officer said that there were the
tickets and they would cost
one thousand taka.
Dinajpur Board-2010,
Rajshahi Board-2007
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Zaman said
to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book,’ I
replied. “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book
earlier.’ I said. “Will you return the book to me today? he said. (Rvgvb Avgv‡K ejj, ÒZzwg wK eBwU cov †kl K‡i‡Qv
†hwU Avwg MZKvj †Zvgv‡K w`‡qwQjvg ?Ó Òn¨vu, Avwg eBwU cov †kl K‡iwQ,Ó Avwg DËi
w`jvg| ÒwK GK gRvi eB GwU ! Avgvi B”Qv nq Avwg hw` eBwU Av‡iv Av‡M avi
wbZvg!Ó Avwg ejjvg | Ò Zzwg wK eBwU
Avgv‡K AvR †diZ w`‡e Ó? †m wRÁvmv Kij |
Answer: Zaman
asked me if I had finished reading the book he had given me the previous day.
I replied in the affirmative and added
that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with delight that it was a very interesting
book. Further I wished that I might
borrow the book earlier. He asked
me if I would return the book to him that day.
Dhaka Board-2009
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“What’s your
programme after the examination?” asked Salam. Kamal said, I’ve not yet
decided. Can you suggest any? “Let us go on a picnic.” Said Salam. “What an
excellent idea! I shall certainly join with you.” said Kamal. (Ócix¶vi ci †Zvgvi Kg©m~Px wK?Ó mvjvg wRÁvmv Kij|
Kvgvj ejj, Ó Avwg GLbI wmØvšÍ †bB wb| Zzwg wK †Kvb civgk© w`‡Z cvi ?Ó ÓPj Avgiv
eb‡fvR‡b hvBÓ, mvjvg ejj | wK PgrKvi! Avwg wbwðZfv‡e †Zvgvi mv‡_ †hvM`vb Kie
|Ó, Kvgvj ejj |)
Answer: Salam
asked Kamal what his programme was after the examination.
Kamal replied that he had not
yet decided. Then Kamal asked him (S)
if he could suggest any. Salam proposed that they should go on a picnic. Kamal exclaimed with joy that it was
an excellent idea. He said that he
would certainly join with him.
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
A fruit
seller said, “Which fruit do you want to buy? I have apples from Australia,
oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir.” The customer said, “What fruits
of our country do you have?” The fruit selller said, “I have coconut, guava and
jackfruit.” The customer said, “Give one kg of guava as it will be the
substitution of Australian apples.” (GK dj we‡µZv ejj, †Kvb ‡Kvb dj Avcwb wKb‡Z Pvb ? Avgvi Kv‡Q
A‡÷wjqvi Av‡cj, `vwR©wjs Gi Kgjv,Kvk¥x‡ii Av½yi Av‡Q |Ó ‡µZv ej‡jb|Ò†Zvgvi Kv‡Q
Avgv‡`i †`‡ki wK dj Av‡Q ?Ó we‡µZv ejj, ÒAvgvi Kv‡Q bvwi‡Kj,†cqviv I KvuVvj
Av‡Q|Ó †µZv ejj, ÒAvgvi GK †KwR †cqviv `vI †h‡nZz GUv n‡e A‡÷wjqvi Av‡c‡ji weKí
Answer: A
fruit seller asked the
customer which fruit he wanted to buy.
Then he said that he (S) had apples from Australia, oranges from
Darjeeling, grapes from Kasmir. The customer asked the fruit seller what fruits of their country he
(S) had. The fruit seller replied
that he (S) had coconut, guava and jackfruit. The customer requested him (S) to give one kg of guava as it would be the substitute of
Australian apples.
Barisal Board-2009
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“What is the
time by your watch?” he said. “It is half past nine,” I said. He said, “I want
to go to the college. Would you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry,”
replied I.(Ò†Zvgvi Nwo‡Z
mgq KZ?Ó †m ejj|Òmv‡o bqUv Ó,†m ejj,ÒAvwg K‡j‡R †h‡Z PvB| `qv K‡i ,Zzwg Kx
Avgvi m‡½ hv‡e ?Ó Óbv,Avwg `ytwLZ,Ó Avwg DËi w`jvg|)
Answer: He asked me what the time was by my
watch. I replied that it was
half past nine. Then he added that
he wanted to go to the college. He also asked me if I would accompany him kindly. I replied in the negative and said that I
was sorry.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
The passer-by stopped me and said, “Sir, can you tell me the way
to the nearest inn?” “Yes, I can,” I said. “Go straight about 100 yards and
then turn left. You will find it.” “Thank you Sir,” He said. (cw_K Avgv‡K _vgvj
Ges wRÁvmv Kij, Ò m¨vi Avgv‡K wbKUZg mivB Lvbvi c_wU ej‡Z cv‡ib ?Ó n¨vu Avwg
ej‡Z cvwi,Ó Avwg ejjvg | ‡mvRv cÖvq 100
MR hvb Ges ev‡g Nyi‡eb | Avcwb GwU cv‡eb |Ó Ò Avcbv‡K ab¨ev` m¨vi,Ó †m ejj|)
Answer: The passer by stopped me and asked respectfully if I could tell him the way to the
nearest inn. I replied in the
affirmative and said that I could. I instructed/told him to go straight about 100 yards
and turn left. I also told him that
then he would find it. The man then thanked me respectfully.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“We would like to go an excursion. Can we have your permission?
Sir?” said the students. “Yes, you can arrange it after the examination is
over. And you should choose a historical place for that” replied the
Headmaster. “Thank you, Sir.”(ÒAvgiv GKwU cÖ‡gv`/wkÿvmdi åg‡b †h‡Z PvB| m¨vi ,Avgiv wK Avcbvi AbygwZ †c‡Z cvwi ?,
QvÎ-QvÎxiv ejj |n¨uv, cix¶v †kl nIqvi ci †Zvgiv Gi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z cvi| Ges GRb¨
†Zvgv‡`i GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯_vb cQ›` Kiv DwPZ|Ó
cÖavb wk¶K DËi w`‡jj |Óm¨vi Avcbv‡K ab¨ev` |)
Answer: The students said
that they would like to go on an excursion. They asked the Headmaster with respectfully if they could
have his permission. The Headmaster replied
in the affirmative and said that they could arrange that after the examination
was over. He also said that
they should choose a historical place for that. The students thanked the Headmaster.
Comilla Board-2008
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Rashed said
to karim. “How are you?” I went to your hostel yesterday, but did not find you.
Where did you go?” “I went to the station.” said Karim. “I had to receive my
maternal uncle there.” (iv‡k`
Kwig‡K ejj,Ó Zzwg †Kgb AvQ? Avwg MZKvj †Zvgvi QvÎvev‡m wM‡qwQjvg wKš‘ †Zvgv‡K
cvBwb | Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQj ? Ó ÒAvwg
†÷k‡b wM‡qwQjvgÓ Kwig ejj ,Ó Avgv‡K †mLv‡b Avgvi gvgv‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z n‡qwQj
Rashed asked Karim how he was. Rashed added that he had gone to
the hostel the previous day but had
not found him. Rashed again
asked Karim where he
had gone. Karim replied that
he had gone to the station because he had to receive his
maternal uncle there.
Barisal Board-2008
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Great king
of the genies,” called the monster. “I will never again disobey you.” Hearing
those words, the fisherman became very brave and said, “Tell me why you were
locked up in the vase?” The giant looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to
me politely or I shall kill you.” “Why should you kill me?” asked the
fisherman. (ÓwRb‡`i gnvb
ivRvÓ ˆ`Z¨ ejj, Ò Avwg KL‡bv †Zvgvi Aeva¨ ne bv|Ó I K_v¸‡jv ï‡b †R‡jwU mvnmx nj
Ges ejj, ÒAvgv‡K ej †Kb †Zvgv‡K AvUwK‡q ivLv n‡qwQj?Ó ˆ`Z¨wU ivMvwš^Zfv‡e Zvi
w`‡K ZvKvj Ges ejj, Ò Avgvi mv‡_ AwaKZi f`&ªfv‡e K_v ej A_ev Avwg †Zvgv‡K
nZ¨v Kie |Ó )
Answer: The
monster called the
great king of the genies and said that
he would never again disobey him (G). Hearing those words , the
fishermen became brave and asked
the monster to tell him (f)
why he (M) had been locked up
in the vase. Then the giant angrily looked
at him and told
the fishermen to speak
to him (M) more politely,
otherwise he (M) would kill
him (F).The fisherman asked
the monster why he (M) would kill
him (F).
Sylhet Board-2008
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
Once I asked
a sweet little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She replied cleverly. “I
know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.” I said. “What a clever girl
you are!” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know.” She
spoke with an air of confidence. (GK`v Avwg GKwU †QvU wgwó evwjKv‡K wRÁvmv Kijvg, Ò †Zvgvi gv‡qi bvg
wK?Ó †m weP¶YZvi mv‡_ DËi w`j, ÒAvwg Avgvi gv‡qi bvg Rvwb wKš‘ Avwg Zv †Zvgv‡K
eje bv|Ó Avwg ejjvg, Ò Zzwg wK weP¶Y
evwjKv!Ó ÒAvwg KvD‡K Avgvi gv‡qi bvg ewj
bv hv‡K Avwg wPwb bv,Ó †m AvZ¡wek¦v‡mi mv‡_ ejj|)
Answer: Once
I asked a sweet little
girl what her mother’s name was.
She replied cleverly that she knew
her mother’s name but she would
not tell me that. I exclaimed
with wonder that she was a very clever girl With an air of
confidence, she spoke that she didn’t
tell her mother’s
name to anybody whom she didn’t
Chittagong Board-2008
Rewrite the
following in the reported speech:
“Did people
use stamps in those days” asked Rafiq. “Yes, answered Mr Jamil, “The first
stamps were used in 1840.” “Are they easy to get now?” asked Rafiq. “They are
very difficult to get,” his uncle replied.(ÒZLbKvi w`‡bi †jv‡Kiv wK WvKwU‡KU e¨envi KiZ?Ó iwdK wRÁvmv Kij|
Òn¨vÓ Rvgvj mv‡ne DËi w`‡jb ,ÒcÖ_g WvKwU‡KU e¨en&Z n‡qwQj 1840 m‡bÓ| ÒGLbwK
†m¸‡jv mn‡R cvIqv hvq ?Ó iwdK wRÁvmv Kij|
Ò†m¸‡jv cvIqv KwVb| Ó Zvi PvPv
DËi w`j |)
Answer: Rafiq
asked Mr Jamil if people had used stamps in those
days. Mr Jamil replied in the
affirmative and said that the
first stamp had been used in
1840.Rafiq asked if they were
easy to get then. His uncle replied
that they were very difficult to get.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“My sons, listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden
in the land. I am going to leave it to you.” “How’ll we find it?” said the
sons. “You must dig the land for it” said the old man. (ÒAvgvi cyÎiv
Avgvi K_v †kvb | GKwU wekvj iZœ fvÛvi gvwUi bx‡P jyKvwqZ Av‡Q | Avwg GUv
†Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ †i‡L hvw”Q|Ó ÒGUv Avgiv wKfv‡e Ly‡Ru cve?Ó cyÎiv ejj| ÒGUvi Rb¨
†Zvgv‡`i‡K Aek¨B gvwU Lbb Ki‡Z n‡e|Ó e„Ø ‡jvKwU ej‡jb|)
Answer: The old man told his sons to listen to him that a great treasure lied hidden in the land. He added that he was going to leave that to them. The sons wanted to know how they would find it. The old man replied that they must dig the land for it.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Have you killed the rates?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have said the
piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor, we cannot
give you so much money. Take only fifty. ( ÒZzwg wK B`yui ¸‡jv‡K †g‡i‡Qv?Ó †gqi ejj |Òn¨vu,
Avwg †g‡iwQ,Ó eskxev`K ejj, ÒAvgv‡K cÖwZkÖyZ UvKv w`b |Ó Ò wK gRv ! †gqi ejj, Avgiv †Zvgv‡K †ekx UvKv
w`‡Z cvwi bv | gvÎ cÂvk UvKv bvI |Ó)
Answer: The Mayor asked
the piper if he (p) had killed
the rates. The Piper replied in
the affirmative and said that he had. Then he (P) told the Mayor to give him (P) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed in wonder that it was very
funny. He added that they could
not give him (P) so
much money and told him
to take only fifty.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
Father said to his son, “Why are you making late? Go to school
now.” “No, I am not going to school today. I feel dizzy, ”said his son. ( wcZv Zvi cy·K
ejj, ÒZzwg †Kb †`ix KiQ?Ó G¶ywb ¯‹z‡j hvI|Ó bv, Avwg AvR ¯‹z‡j hvw”Q bv | Avgvi
gv_v Nyi‡QÓ, Zvi cyÎ ejj |)
Answer: Father asked his son why he (S) was making late. He
told him to go to school then. His son replied in the
negative and told that he was not going to school that day. He added
that he (S) felt dizzy.
Rewrite the following in the reported speech:
“Nasreen, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the
teacher.” Yes” Sir, I have done it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical
points.” replied Nasreen. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try
again.”( wk¶K wRÁvmv Kij, Òbvmwib Zzwg wK AvR †Zvgvi cvV m¤úbœ K‡iQ?Ó
Ònu¨v,m¨vi, Avwg Bnv K‡iwQ| wKš‘ Avwg wKQy e¨vKvi‡Yi Ask eyS‡Z cv‡iwb| bvmwib
DËi w`j|
Answer: The teacher asked
Nasreen if she had done her
English lesson that day. Replying respectfully in the positive
Nasreen said that she had done it.
But she added that she had not
understood some grammatical points. The teacher asked her where the problem was. He proposed that they should try again.
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